Moving to Ohio...from Texas
Hi everyone!
My husband and I are going to visit the Akron, Wadsworth, Medina area on Sept 13th. We are going to put our house up for sale here, and we are heading to Ohio. I am a RN, I figure no problem being a nurse getting a job. My DH is retired British military, and did lots of military police work.
Anyone got any info, support groups in this area, ideas...let me know. I have a dear friend in Wadsworth, and since we have no family.....I want to be closer to her!!
We are so excited!
Hugs, Sandy
Hi Sandy, I live in the Akron area. I am pre op. Akron General has a support group that meets montly. I believe is the website. Let me know if you have any questions about Akron. Molly
Well, this isn't in the Akron area, but rumor has it the Wright Patterson Airforce base military police is going civilian..that is the Dayton, Ohio information is from a pretty reliable source bro is a now retired Master Chief, and with the MP's at the base.
They are a few hospitals and bariatric centers in that area as well if you are, not to mention there is a very nice military hospital on the base that hires civilians..
let me know if you want more info.
Sandy , You will love Wadsworth we moved here 3 years ago and its great good schools great people decent shopping LOL as far as surgeons and support groups i will tell you about mine my Dr is Dr Zografakis (DR Z ) he is at summa health systems in Akron about a 20 min drive from wadsworth they have a support group i have not gone yet but hope to make it in sept with another girl from here in town it turns out were practically neighbors i know meetings are usuallythe 3rd wed of the month @6:30 and have heard good things about them if you would like any more info feel free to e mail me Stylngrl [email protected] best of luck to you on the move Hugs Missy

I almost forgot heres the address of Dr Z's Paitent forum
Hi Sandy,
I live in Barberton....just a couple of minutes from Wadsworth. I go to several support groups. One is with University Hospital in Cleveland. Everyone loves their doctor and their hospital so I won't go on bragging about mine. But it has a wonderful program. All the doctors and nurses, clinical physchologist, nutritionist...etc all come to the meetings. We are also forming a patient group to help plan the meetings and get in guest speakers. They really are a great group!
Now group number 2 is very informal....not affliated with a hospital but just a group of us that get together to talk and help each other. We meet on the 2nd Tuesday of the month in North Canton. There are at least 5 different hospital's represented by our group.....let me know if you are interested in going to either or both!
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