OH Coming to Columbus

Amy Williams
on 8/19/06 7:44 am
Mark your calendars now, if you can't make the event in Lexington, be sure to check out the one in Columbus. For complete details visit this link: http://www.obesityhelp.com/events/nov2006_columbus.html Amy
on 8/19/06 10:22 am - Grove City, OH
Sounds like fun, but did anyone realize this is the Ohio State Michigan game's date? This is a major deal for central Ohio.
Amy Williams
on 8/19/06 11:44 am
Thanks for the insight on this, I've passed this along to the events director. Amy
on 8/20/06 7:18 am - Lancaster, OH
A major deal is not the correct adjective, Columbus lives for the Ohio State/Michigan game. I belive the world stops spinning that day just for the game. lol. Dianna
on 8/20/06 12:57 pm - Hilliard, OH
It does stop spinning. People don't get married, the stores close after kick-off, Churches open only for short OSU prayers. Chances are they suckered the organizers with good rates for the day, too bad hotel rooms will be hard to come by and expensive. The game this year is also at 3:30 for the first time, it has always been noon. I'll go if there is something on Sunday, late of course! GO BUCKS! mel, OSU class of 1991!
Princess T.
on 8/21/06 6:03 am - Licking County, OH
Good Call...although I'd love to see OH (aren't you tempted to yell "I O" after that?)come to Columbus, I won't be missing the michigan game for it!!
on 8/21/06 6:55 am - Hilliard, OH
for the longest time I was getting confused with the OH board, I thought it was the ohio board, and the magazine....duh!
Gayle M.
on 8/21/06 12:32 pm - Delaware, OH
Me TOO.....double duh :rofl:
on 8/21/06 7:39 am - Russells Point, OH
WE DID change our "original" wedding date back in 1974 when we discovered the MICHIGAN game was that day!!! GO BUCKS!!!! ~Deb
Earl C.
on 8/21/06 7:42 am - Circleville, OH
Just showing how OCD we are about our Buckeyes in Central Ohio this time of year... ITS ALMOST THAT TIME........ *Never agree to get married on a Saturday Ohio State is scheduled to play football. There are typically 40 other freakin' weekends to choose from...sack up and make her/him choose one of those! *Never attend a wedding during an Ohio State football game unless you carry a TV......and watch it even during the ceremony. *It is OK to wear an OSU football jersey even when old....and fat....and bald. Extra points if you've got an OSU baseball cap on backwards. *Always, and I mean ALWAYS, return any "O...H" with a hearty "I...O." This is true even during funerals, sex, in foreign countries or when witnessing the birth of your child. *When Notre Dame plays Michigan, it is mandatory to despise both teams. There are no winners. *You should despise the following teams: Michigan, ND, Wisconsin, USC, Miami (that's Florida) *It is OK to be emotional (and even "tear" up) during the following: -Script Ohio -Your child's first Buckeye game -Carmen Ohio -During a Tressel speech -Listening to "What I Want" -Remembering Woody -After beating Michigan -Winning the National Championship -When NFL Buckeyes state on MNF that they are from "THE" Ohio State University. -Hearing the phrase, "Rest easy Woody, the new man has arrived." -Ramp entrance *Never listen to Brett Musberger or Keith Jackson on TV. It's okay to watch the game while listening to 1460 on the radio. *It is not cool to make fun of the Neutron Man. Especially now that he is watching games with Woody. *Buckeye necklaces must be worn at all times on game day from the time you leave your place of abode until you return. One other time: *Always take off your hat during Carmen Ohio and physically remove the hats of anyone in your vicinity who fails to do so. *Everyone should rush the field after an OSU home victory over Michigan at least once in their lifetime. (Extra kudos for those of you who rushed the field at IU and tore down THEIR goalposts a few years ago...c'mon you know who you are!). *Attending Skull Session is mandatory at least once each season. *ESPN employees must be verbally taunted at every opportunity. *We must all pray that the next president of OSU has more of a clue than the present one. *When you die, you must have at least one item of Buckeye memorabilia with you. (Specify which one in your will, that way your spouse won't pick something stupid). *You must be willing to die to defend your right to drink beer during tailgates. *Recruiting must be followed as intensely as any game. This is true even if it puts your job/career at risk. *Attend the Spring Game. It makes it easier to survive the summer. *When in church, it is not sacrilegious to count being a Buckeye as one of your blessings. *Try to never boo a former or current Buckeye football player. *When making fun of guys in marching bands always caveat your comments with a statement that, regardless of what you just said, anyone in TBDBITL is very cool. *Admit that secretly, you wished you played tuba and could dot the "i." You'd even be willing to put on a few dozen pounds to look the part. *You would not trade the opportunity to swill beer while listening to The Danger Brothers after an OSU victory over Michigan for tickets to any rock band that has ever existed. *It is important to consider the "good old days" ARE NOW. Enjoy them even when OSU doesn't win the NC. *Drinking alcohol before 9:00 A.M. is, at best, immature, and likeky, a sign of a serious problem. Except on game day. *It is never ok to talk to a stranger at the urinal next to you unless he is dressed in OSU garb. That said, the topic should be limited to Buckeye football. *There are no bad seats in Ohio Stadium. *If your wife asks you what was the greatest night of your life, admit the truth that it was January 3, 2003. *Plant a Buckeye tree in your yard. *Hang a Buckeye flag on game day. If any of your neighbors counter with a Michigan flag, it is your solemn duty to tear it down and deface it anyway you see fit. *It is "ok" to not get the drum major thing; it is "not ok" to fail to cheer when the plume touches the field. *In honor of Woody, the principle of "paying forward" should be practiced at all times by all Buckeyes. *The Varsity Club opens at 8:30am on game days...you must be there that early at least once a season. *When driving past Ohio Stadium on Rt. 315, offer a moment of silence for all of the greatest moments that have happened there. *NEVER, AND I MEAN NEVER wear a #13 jersey again...and NEVER mention his name when talking about Buckeye Football.
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