Hello Everyone

Barbara G.
on 7/28/06 7:03 am - Salem, OH
I just thought I would share a little. I'm feeling less nervous in most ways about the surgery ( 6 days, or as my son says, 5 sleeps) . I have been busy. Got liquids in, I have three protein drinks, Nectar-strawberry kiwi, white chocolate raspberry, (can't remember the brand), and Matrix-Perfect Chocolate. I also have started freezing ice cubes of V-8 fusion, V-8 low carb smoothies, Jell-o brand sugar free puddings, and jello, sugar free popsicles, and soup. I have to get those pureed and strained and frozen tomorrow. I also have Walmart brand crystal lite drinks and chewable vitamins, sterile gauze and tape. My suitcase is packed except for toothbrush and comb. I ordered a medical ID necklace today, it should arrive before I'm home from the hospital. I have read and re-read my pre-surgical handbook. I also read the Post Surgical handbook. I have the stuff for my lovely Bowl Prep (yuck). sigh. Any suggestions? Hints? Things you wish you would have taken to the hospital or had at home. Oh yes, I wear dresses, some skirts and tops, but mostly dresses. So, I have been buying a few in different sizes from thrift shops for the past 6 months. I have two that have essentially no waist in them for the first couple of days after surgery. Can I say that I really, really, really, wish I could be in the same room with several of you..??... today I need a hug. Tomorrow I might be exuberant, but today the life-changing part feels really BIG. The wonderful thing is that everyone in my family is being 100 % supportive. Even my mother in law. Actually she is having a family meal tonight. (think of the Waltons) To celebrate my new life. I feel really blessed about that. I have been moisturizing and being careful not to catch cold. [ I actually had a nightmare that I got to the pre-op waiting room, and they told me I couldn't have the surgery because I caught a cold]. I would just love any words of wisdom, right now. Ok, any words pretty much would be nice. hugs to all, Barbara
-Michael- Smith
on 7/28/06 7:28 am - Cincinnati, OH
Barbara Your going to do fine Best of luck to you Michael
Missy H
on 7/28/06 7:30 am - Wadsworth, OH
Barbara , Words of wisdom .. hmmmm well i never touched my bag for the hospital except for my toothbrush and hairbrushand chapstick ... i even waited till i got home to shower the one at the hospital felt tooo claustrophobic . one of the best things for me was in the 1st 24 hours nothing by mouth till they did the leak test but my nurse gave me some mouth swabs that helped tremendously becuase i was sooo dry .. that first popsicle was like from heaven ... the week before my surgery everyone in my house and my neighbors who i spend a lot of time with .. all got the stomach virus ... you never seen anyone wash thier hands soo much . and also really brought me to believe in the power of prayer ... every day i prayed .. and washed my hands LOL and i did not get the bug !!!! just know you have tons of people praying for you pulling for you you are in excellent hands at St Vincents and just try to be calm you will do awesome !!!!!!! Hugs Missy
Barbara G.
on 7/28/06 10:04 am - Salem, OH
Thanks for responding. I just got back from my in laws, and they were so great! My husband's aunt was there and even brought me a beautiful card. They were so supportive and encouraging as to how next time they see me I will be smaller. THAT seems totally incredible to me. I can't begin to describe all the feelings I have now. So I will just 'live in the moment' . All I really want to do is look at before and after pictures hugs, Barbara
on 7/28/06 5:44 pm - Byesville, OH
My Dearest Barbara, I am sitting here 13 months post op 172 pounds lighter , and have NOT one regret about the surgery. I was a little apprehensive weeks before but as the day got closer I knew in my heart that My God was going to take care of me, and that he had made the surgery a possibility for me. Barbara, I dont mean to sound pessimistic. But in my case I was dying every day being morbidly obese. I knew that if I continued on the path that I was on, I would DIE. So I had made my peace with the fact that something could happen during surgery and that I might awaken in the good Lords arms. But I also KNEW that God had carried me through all the struggles to get my approval and he had big plans for me to LIVE.. And I came through wonderfully and have had the most incredible 13 months post op. I have no regrets and would do it again in a heartbeat. Barbara I am so proud of you for making this brave choice to save your life ... You will be in all of our thoughts and prayers and you are going to be a big LOSER in no time at all. As far as packing for the hospital.. Travel light. Half of the things I took I never even unpacked. I took books and crossword puzzles but the medication kept me so loopy I couldnt even concentrate on them. Take yourself a nice comfy pair of slippers and plan on getting up and walking as soon as you can.. You will be amazed at how much faster your body returns to normal when you get moving around. Dont be afraid to pass that gas.. LOL.. Everyone does it and its a sign your gut is working like it should be. Take your own pillow or at least your own pillow case and pictures of those you love.. It helped me to look at the faces of my beautiful kids and my grandbaby. It reminded me of WHY I had the surgery. I was doing it so I could be around a long time and see them all grow up and have a mother who could move around and participate in life again. If you feel like sleeping and resting do it.. Just listen to your body and your new tummy it will let you know what it needs. It was the first time in my entire life I actually listened to what my bloated unhealthy body was telling me. I am now so much in touch with myselfl I have never felt more alive. Did the WLS solve all my problems. NO WAY.. My life is chaotic and full of the struggles we all face. But at least now I have the energy to face them head on . Be prepared to feel emotions that you may have not felt in years. We morbidly obese people turned to food to numb all those feelings and suddenly your best friend is gone.. Even though you know that you have done the right thing by having the surgery, You will mourn that friend. I went through a horrible period of depression at 2 weeks post op. I am so greatful that I turned to this board and took their advice to ask my Dr for some medical intervention. I was put on a mild antianxiety medication and an antidepressant and my joy soon returned. I hope I am not scaring you, but just preparing you for the roller coaster ride your emotions and body will be going through those first few weeks. Its normal and there is help available. Dont be afraid or ashamed to ask for help. I remember feeling so badly that I was feeling so depressed because I had worked for so long to get my approval and that I thought I would be feeling on top of the world. I beat myself up over it. But Thanks to these fine people here in this group I got through it and feel in love with myself and life again. Please have someone let us know how you are doing and we hope to hear from you as soon as you feel able to sit and type us a little note. In the meantime I am sending lots of Love and prayers your way. Goodnight.. Miss Laura
Barbara G.
on 7/29/06 9:53 am - Salem, OH
Dear Laura, I cannot tell you how much your post meant to me. Right now I have company coming over and so I will try to write more later. We will be praying for you daughter, I know quite a bit about cutting. Great Big HUG Barbara
on 7/30/06 2:41 pm - Byesville, OH
Dear Barbara, Thank you for the prayers heading our way. I will tell you a little about whats going on with our family situation. My ex has gained physical custody of our 14 year old son, and going to go to battle over full custody of him. My son DOES not want to live with him and will tell the judge that when we get to court. But this is tearing all of us up. We are all stressing and I am trying my best to take care of myself.. I can hardly make myself eat and drink because I am so full of anxiety. So I am going to take my own advice and seek some counseling on how to deal with all the stressors in my life and still take care of my body. I will keep prayers heading your way and wish you the best possible outcome with your big Rebirthday.. Lots of Love Laura
on 7/28/06 5:51 pm - Byesville, OH
You are so blessed to have the support of your family. My kids were 100% behind me, but my sibs and mom all thought I was taking the easy way out and cheating. They still feel like my weight loss isnt "real" because I had the surgery. I felt so alone in the hospital.. But Richard from our group and his lovely wife Teri showed up and brought me a little angel and listened to me ramble in my Morphine induced post op haze. But I was so touched that complete strangers drove all that way to be with me. I can never thank them enough.' I really am going to bed now.. We have had some serious family stress tonight and I am finding it hard to unwind. My daughter is a cutter and told me tonight that she is cutting again and I am scared for her. I Love this beautiful young lady so much, I hate to see her mutilate her body to take away her emotional pain. Life isnt easy, but then we were never promised it would be. Keep my family in your prayers please Goodnight Miss Laura
on 7/28/06 11:29 pm - Brunswick, OH
You are certainly prepared I wish you all the good luck in the world and I will keep you in my prayers. I will be very excieted to hear from you as I to will be having the same surgery on August 14th with Dr. Ben Mier.
Barbara G.
on 7/29/06 9:49 am - Salem, OH
Hi Kathy, How exciting that you are going to be at St. V's too! I will try my best to let you know how things went for me. I most certainly appreciate your prayers, (and everyone else's too! ) hugs, Barbara
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