My letter to "The View" if anyone would like to read it

on 7/24/06 6:23 am - New Philadelphia, OH
I am so offended by your show today 7/24/06. I personaly do no****ch your show lately because of your biased opinions and the "real" you you all claim to say is just fake! Have you ever had a weightloss problem? Do you know what its like to be on the recieving end of a cut down and feel so deeply that there is nothing you can do??? I think you have forgoten what the real world is like.. Weight loss surgery is a God send to people who can not lose weight anyother way, it is not an easy way out, it is a procedure that could potentialy kill a person who in their right minds would want to do something like that.. well i'll tell you.. ME i am on this wls journey and don't you think its bad enough for me being fat, why is it so much easier for people with drug addictions and alcohol adictions to get more respect then the person with the food adiction??? Why??? Do you know (just like the alcoholic) that what i put in my body could eventualy kill me.. so why could you be ok with people going to the Betty Ford to get help but the people *****alize they are killing themselves by food cant get help in the "publics" mind.. its not easy getting cut on, its not easy having to drive past your favorite restaruant and not ordering your favorite food, its not easy going to the crocery and not being able to pick up that bag of chips and dip, what is easy is thinking "im fat so who cares i'll just go through my favorite fast food and get something to eat, or i know i'll go to the grocery and get a bag of chips or wait "ITS THAT TIME OF THE MONTH" i'll get me some chocolate.. THATS EASY, easy is being able to sit on your butt because you cant move it.. easy is thinking no one cares and taking a bite out of something you know isnt good for you but hey "im fat" so who cares.. easy is not doing anything...diets are easy, diets alowe you to go do what you have always done.. thats easy....a surgery that makes you not eat the way you have always eaten is not easy... so you think this surgery is an easy way out.. let me tell you, i will not be able to every again do easy, i have done easy all my life and i have learnt that im killing myself in the process, i cant work cause ive done easy... wouldn't you rather me get my surgery and start becomeing a productive person?? wouldn't you rather me have my wls and start to see amazing results almost imediatly so that i start to have better self esteem about myself??? wouldn't you rather see me get up and move so that my body starts healing itself now and when im your age i can do the things you do or better yet so that i can make it to your age??? wouldn't that be better??? wouldn't it be better for me to start somewhere?? ive done the diets, ive done the pills, ive done the exercising. I have degenerative disk disease i have 2 herniated bulging disks that the surgeon wont do surgery on because the pins and nuts and bolts may not work with me having this weight on, I have cronic back pains and AM ADDICTED TO MOROPHINE (so now i cant even take pain meds for fear of addiction i have to live with constant pain, i have Fybromilgia, i have sever obstructed sleep apnea, i have seizures, and i have sever depression, and on top of all that i have had my first heart attack at the age of 30, now i haven't been back to a cardiologist since then cause i have had so many problems why add more.. so this surgery will be a life saving life changing thing for me, why would you alowe someone to cut it down and make it seem that this is an easy way out??? why??? Have you ever thought to see how many people this surgery has saved?? have you ever thought to look into the reasons why people that have died after having this surgery some of them accualy got to live a little bit longer than what they would have if they hadn't had this surgery?? have you ever thought that EVERYONE DESERVES TO LIVE AS LONG AS THEY WANT?? Im so tired of being tired.. im so dead from being dead.. i want to live i want my family to start being healthy, we as women sometimes dont realize how we help the ones that love us live, don't you think we have a resposibility to help the ones around us do just that?? Well i think ive said enough i wish you all the best of luck but please start to talk about both sides if it is something that you personaly don't have knowledge of please learn about the whole thing not just what you want to know about it. and for God sake please don't cut people down for finaly making a Healthy choise in their life. God bless you all Paula Adkins Ohio ps i ment to also say that im haven****ched since Stars been gone.. but i forgot that.. I hope and pray that i didn't overdo it or bable to much either..
on 7/24/06 9:21 pm - Russells Point, OH
Paula~ Very Well Said!!!! I have not had a response to my email to the View... I did save the letter and have mailed it too! Let's hope this will open the eyes of "the View" HUGS Deb
on 7/25/06 5:27 am - New Philadelphia, OH
thank you, i haven't heard back from them either.. but i sure hope this helps Hugs God bless you Paula
on 7/27/06 3:07 am - New Philadelphia, OH
You may call on me anytime.. thank you so much God bless you Paula
on 8/5/06 10:36 pm - Hilliard, OH
i was away and didn't see the episode, but good for you!!! and us!!! Mel
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