on 7/24/06 1:55 am - Russells Point, OH
I am SOOOOO upset!!! Once again, Gastric Bypass Surgery is being maligned!!! I was watching "The View" this morning... "Mo'Nique" is the guest host today... the "ladies" were all caterwauling... talking down Weight Loss Surgery !!! It is VERY evident to those of us who have been through the process that "the Ladies" are highly misinformed about WLS!!! It is a disservice to the PUBLIC to have such "information" on the air!!! Some people take what the "Ladies" say as Gospel!!! It is obvious they are piping THEIR narrow minded opinions and not FACT! As for ME... Weight Loss Surgery CHANGED my life...SAVED my life!!! I now HAVE a life!!! Weight Loss Surgery is NOT the "Easy Way Out" dear "Ladies of the View"... it is a TOOL!!! A very expensive tool that one must use EVERY day!! It was NOT an easy thing to go through... not an easy decision - I spent FIVE years researching the process... I spent THOUSANDS of dollars on Jenny Craig, Weigh****chers and other "Diets"... They didn't work for me. Yes, those programs work for some folks, but it was NOT for me!! WLS may not be for everyone... so Ms Mo'Nique... you are free NOT to have it... but you have NO RIGHT to tell others it is WRONG!!! And that goes for ALL of the "Ladies of the View"... I wouldn't think of telling someone NOT to try other diets first. I have TWENTY FIVE YEARS of other diets!!! THEY didn't work for me! Gastric Bypass Surgery was MY answer. I thank God every day for the surgery, for Dr Curry and his staff! This was my way out of the "Land of Obesity"!! I treasure my "tool"... and RESPECT it! You MUST follow an eating program.. you MUST exercise!!! You MUST take your vitamins and supplements and you MUST follow up with your surgeon. I know the "Ladies of the View" have a right to their "opinion"... but PLEASE... where there are SOLID FACTS.. I wish they would state them!!! VERY Sincerely~ Deb @ Indian Lake
on 7/24/06 2:37 am - Columbus, OH
Hi Deb, I wished I would have seen this. I find it strange that they would bash WLS, didn't their own Starr Jones have it done? Evedently she didn't share much of her experience with the other ladies on the show because I would think they would know more about the surgery. You ought to drop The View an email and tell them your story. Peg
on 7/24/06 2:46 am - Russells Point, OH
I think Star DID keep her surgery a secret! and YES! I did send a email to Barbara Walters!!! HUGS Deb
on 7/24/06 2:38 am - Batavia, OH
Hey Deb, I hope you sent this to their website! That was very well said. I am still waiting for approval, and can't wait for my tool. I am 42 and have been heavy since I was 5. Nothing has worked for me, and I am determined to make this work. Hopefully, they will get bombarded with letters and e-mail, so they will have to address the other side, and a more educated "View" of this very important and life saving procedure. Mel
on 7/24/06 2:49 am - Russells Point, OH
Dear Mel~ Yes, I sent an email to THE VIEW!!! I hope you get your approval and are on you way soon!!! I had a time getting insurance approval, but they finally said ok!! YEA! The WLS was the BEST thing I have ever did for myself... and my family! keep me posted! HUgS Deb
on 7/24/06 2:51 am - Cincinnati, OH
Maybe someone should challenge them to show our side of the story. Great for them, if they decided that they couldn't do it. I agree, WLS, was the answer for me to have life, after I had tried EVERYTHING else, my entire life, since age 12 (I am now 41). You don't have to have WLS if you don't want too, but don't bash me for having it. And for goodness sake, don't make someone who needs it and is considering it, feel guilty or like it is the easy way out. There ain't nothing easy about it!
on 7/24/06 5:20 am - Russells Point, OH
Hi Zoe! I am glad I am not the only one who heard the View!!! Glad you played it back... Wish I would have recorded it! HUGS Deb
on 7/24/06 5:18 am - Russells Point, OH
Well Said!!! HUGS Deb
on 7/24/06 3:40 am - New Philadelphia, OH
this upsets me very much, im on the wls journey right now and i have seen today three articles/stories that pertain to wls and the "bad stuff" was so much more pormenint (sp?) in all of the stories. one was fron the new york times i'll try and cut and paste the www address... http://www.nytimes.com/2006/07/24/health/24health.html?ex=1154404800&en=bc81280e63fa549c&e i=5070&emc=eta1 first with this article i am so much more determind to get healthy by having my wls, but the second thing i wanted to know was "hom many lives did this surgery change their lives for the better? why don't they say that in the article?" and third why are there so many people that make a big issue about being "overweight" the ones the degrade the wls?? We finaly have a way to help us just like the alcoholic has the AA meetings and the heavy drug users who cant stop doing what they do unless they use methedone to ween them off a killing drug?? why is isn't obesity seen as a social disease just like alcoholics and drug adicts??? they cant stop what they do to their bodies just as much as us overweight people too.. we are all in the "same boat" if i may.. but the problem i keep seeing out there is ... the ones who complain about make fun about and tear done people cause they are overweight are the same ones that are making it hard for people to have wls. Are they so afraid they wont be able to make fun of anyone anymore?? i mean after all if we arent "big" we cant get made fun of or get put down, or be told to lose weight the REAL way... Where in society did it change from helping people was the way of the world to.. hurting people cause you cant or wont understand them??? something has got to change peoples minds how do you do that?? how was the "Betty Ford" center turned into the best thing for peple with adictions but if your fat you cant go to a bariatrics place?? whats the difference?? Im baffled by all of this but my heart is staying true to getting this "life saving" surgery I want to live, i want to survive in this ever chalenging world.. and my prayer is that people who don't understand the process keep their mouths shut! God bless you all and thank you for this oppertunity for me to speak up Paula
on 7/25/06 12:04 am - Ft. Mitchell, KY
Amen! Well said Deb!
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