Is this all normal
Hello Everyone my surgery is on May 24th and I am so scared. I cry and just think what if something happens to me and this is sticking so strong in my head. I have a 3 year old beautiful son and a beautiful wife and the thought of leaving them alone just makes me die inside, but cause of my health my PCP and Cardiologist both said if You don't have this you wont make it another five years. I'm so confused I just don't know i feel so torn do I do it and chance something going wrong or try to make it against the odds of what the doctors said. HAS ANYONE ELSE EXPERIENCED THESE TYPE FEELING PRE-OP and is it normal. Please any comments, suggestions, thoughts, or prayers would be greatly appreciated.
Yes, Jim this is normal. We have a greater chance of dying from heart attack, high sugar etc then we do this surgery. I realized that I had to have the surgery. I wanted to be here in 2 years, that's what my pcp gave me. I'm 7 mo out down 119lbs. I don't take my bp med, sugar meds, gerd meds, crazy woman meds (excersing releases endorphine's so that was enough for me & I did this w/ my dr's approval) and 2 more that I can't think of right now. I can do things with my kids now, work in the yard and feel like I'm part of the human race. Naps are a thing of the past, I don't need 'em now. I have a good nite's sleep instead of restless legs and hope to get rid of my cpap someday. This was the best thing I could have everdone for myself. I told my husband, God forbid, if anything ever happend to me now. I've enjoyed living the last 7 mo more than the last 20 years. It's an amazing journey I'm on. Each day is a blessing and a gift. I'll keep you in my prayers and double up on them on the 24th
Denise W
It was normal for me to have those feelings. I finally realized that if I didn't do something, I wasn't going to be around for anything! Have faith in your surgeon and in the knowledge that God will send angels to protect you. And come here to vent those feelings. There are a lot of us who can relate to what you are going through. Look into a support group too. It helped me tremendously to go and listen to the fears and questions that others had about their upcoming surgeries. I am so glad that I took the step that I did. Now I see a long life ahead of me and know that God willing, I will be there for everything!

JIM from what i hear this is normal but since i havnt got that close yet i am still at the point where i am anxious to get it done and over with and its so true my fear that i do have is for my children i have 2 beautiful girls 3 and 6 and i know this will be the best thing for them they will get a mom who can ride rides with them and get down on the floor with them he@# even just to walk around the block will be nice so try to keep those posative thoughts think of alll the awesome times you will get to have with your son and wife put it in gods hands and he will see you through you are in excellent hands at St V my best friend had her surgery there and you will have everyone here praying and thinking good thoughts for you Best of luck Missy

Jim, your life is very much like mine. I was told I had less then 10yrs to live, I was very heavy, had a congentital heart defect, was starting to get High BP and was a borderline diabetic. I was so happy being fat and sassy, and loved my food. I also have a wonderful husband and a daughter that is 5 and a son that just turned 4, last weekend. I did it for them. I thought about all my options and my family. I had these children and it was my job to raise them and see them grow up to become wonderful productive adults and it wasn't fair if I didnt do that. So, 9 months ago I had the surgery. I have lost over 157Lbs now. For me, yes I still question if it was the right thing to do, I miss so many things in the food world, but for my children it was the ONLY thing I could do and I would do anything for them. Just remember why your doing this and it will be great. Please keep me and everyone posted and if you ever need to chat just let me know....Good luck...Pam

Hi Jim,
Yes this is very normal thinking... before any surgery! When I was first considering wls(rny) I talked to Dr. Schreiber - remember - he has TONS of training.... and everyone at St. V's is GREAT! You will do great! The doctors and nurses will do great! (the floor nurses are so nice and helpful - you will love 'em)
My follow up appointment is a day before your big day... too bad - cause I would have stopped in to check on ya!
drop me a line and let me know how you are doing!
[email protected]
Jim I know exactly how you feel, before I would have never considered wls, than my pcp says surgery or you will have a heart attack, stroke or worse.
I got to thinkin about my kids, my grandson and my mom, what if something happens to me what will happen to them? what if I got in such bad shape that my mom had to take care of me? my mom shouldn't be taking care of me I should be taking care of her.
So I decided to take the plunge. It took me 2 years to get approved and each day i watched myself go further and further downhill.
But I decided I would rather die tryin than die sittin around doing nothing. Once approved I started taking care of legal matters such as a living will, getting papers drawn up for my 7 year old incase something happened who would she go to ETC.
and most important of all I wrote letters to my kids, grandson and my mom , by doing this I felt I had tied up all the loose ends and I was at such ease when I went for surgery that there were no complications with my breathing or blood pressure like there had been in the past with surgeries.
I also talked to all three of my kids and my mom about the surgery.
I knwo it's hard but don't stress and keep telling yourself this is for the best.
Good Luck .
Good morning Jim,
I have not had surgery yet, so I can't say for sure how I will be. But, at this point, still six months away from surgery, there are two things in the Bible I think of often.
Gen 19:16, God gave Lot and his family a way out of a wicked town that God was about to destroy. His only request: I gave this to you, have faith, go forward and don't look back.
Another example I stretch: If an eye causes you to sin, pluck it out. So....this fat is being plucked out, since gluttony is a no-no.
I'm not making mockery of the Bible, there are many things in my life out of order, but I do truly believe in these things.
I wish you well, a life of happiness and positive choices. YOU ARE GOING TO DO GREAT !!!! DON'T LOOK BACK, GO FORWARD AND GRAB ON TO THE LOSING SIDE OF LIFE !!!!