6 month Dr supervised diet question?(kinda long)
I received my denial from my insurance. They say 2 things. One I need the 6 mo diet and 2, they say I haven't had a BMI of 40 or over for the 3 years that they require. They say my BMI didn't hit 40 or greater until August 2004. Anyway, about the diet...... My pcp put me on a low fat diet on March 1 because I had high cholesterol numbers. Then I went back on April 14 and they weighed me, and we talked about my feet hurting so badly. But I was in a hurry cuz my dh was in the hospital getting his colonoscopy. Now I have an apptmt with my pcp on the 25th( the earliest they could get me in after work) Is there anything special I need him to do while I am there? I don't think I am losing though. Would this count as my third month? How about the 3 year thing? Do you think I will have to wait until August 2007 to have wls? Sorry this is so long. I appreciate any and all advice. Thank you in advance and have a blessed evening.
Tracy LeAnn

I've heard that insurance companies have become very specific about what they want documented in the noted during your visits for the supervised diets. Like exactly what diet plan you are following and exercise plan, etc. You might call and ask your insurance company what they want it to entail then be deligant about making sure your doctor is writing everything down. Maybe even take him a note that says at every appointment please document the follow....so he has it in your chart to refer to.
Best wishes,
I did have different insurance. I had to do the 6th month diet. I had to have proof of 6 full month weigh ins same time each month. Me and my doctor talked about my excercise and he put me on a diet. I never lost nothing. But got aproved. I dont know about the bmi I was over 40 for 5 years. Take Care
and best wishes with your weight loss journey