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on 12/15/15 2:58 pm

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!
Fall Fitness Giveaway, $293 Value - This giveaway bundle includes a Fit*****arge, Aria Wi-Fi Scale and a Black Mountain Resistance Band Set! Enter Today!
Let's Talk Turkey Giveway, $250 Value - This giveaway bundle includes a Nutri Ninja, Spiral Veggie Slicer, Torani Sugar Free Holiday Pack and a Meal Prep Portion Control Bundle. Enter Today!
on 9/28/15 3:47 am - nyork, AK
Most women have cellulite — fat that appears as dimpled skin on their thighs, hips and buttocks. Though not a serious medical condition, cellulite can be unsightly, and it may make you self-conscious when wearing shorts or a swimming suit.
Many cellulite treatments, including massages or cellulite creams, advertise remarkable results. But unfortunately, most of these treatments don't live up to their claims. So is there anything you can do about cellulite?
Weight loss
Weight loss — through healthy diet and regular exercise — is probably the most beneficial cellulite treatment. Losing pounds and strengthening muscles in your legs, thighs and buttocks can improve the appearance of the dimpled skin. The benefits of weight loss alone are limited, however. Though the cellulite may be less noticeable after weight loss, it won't go away completely.
Lasers and radiofrequency systems
Perhaps the most promising medical therapy is lasers and radiofrequency systems. One system uses combined negative tissue massage, radiofrequency and infrared light to treat cellulite. The other system delivers combined tissue massage with diode laser energy. Both systems offer improvements to cellulite after a series of several twice-weekly treatments. Results may last up to six months.
Liposuction ineffective
Some people may turn to liposuction as a treatment for cellulite. During liposuction, a surgeon inserts a narrow tube under your skin through tiny incisions, and then suctions out fat cells. Though liposuction can shape the body, it won't remove cellulite, and it may make the cellulite appear worse.
Many devices, products and creams claim to treat cellulite. But there is little or no scientific evidence to support these claims. If you do find a cellulite treatment that improves your skin, the results aren't likely to last long term.
The following are a few of the many advertised cellulite treatments. Keep in mind that these treatments haven't been proved effective in removing cellulite.
* Vigorous massage. Some cellulite treatments are based on the concept that vigorous massage will increase blood flow, remove toxins and reduce excess fluid in cellulite-prone areas. One method in particular, Endermologie (also referred to as lipomassage), uses a hand-held machine to knead the skin between rollers. You may notice a slight improvement to your skin after this treatment, but the results are typically short-lived.
* Mesotherapy. This procedure involves injecting a solution — which may contain a combination of aminophylline, hormones, enzymes, herbal extracts, vitamins and minerals — under the skin. This treatment can cause several unwanted effects, including infection, rashes, and bumpy or uneven skin contours.
* Cellulite creams. Creams that contain a variety of ingredients, such as vitamins, minerals, herbal extracts and antioxidants, are often marketed as the cure for cellulite. But no studies show that these creams offer any improvement. And in some cases, the ingredients in these products cause skin reactions or rashes. So If you're wondering how to get rid of cellulite, just try these simple solutions.
That's what kept me coming back, I really liked the intelligent discussions and humor. But yeah, there were quite a few personal attacks between members that got pretty heated. It made me feel uncomfortable at times, so I either skipped over the posts or stayed away for a few days until things simmered down.
The powers that be at OH shut it down due to the complaints of a few disgruntled people. The odd thing is that all of those disgruntled people are no longer on OH.
Seems that their agenda was more of a personal vendetta towards other OH members. Too bad. This was an active forum with interesting discussions.

"Oderint Dum Metuant" Discover the joys of the Five Day Meat Test!
Height: 5'-7" HW: 449 SW: 392 GW: 179 CW: 220
So, I guess the old Rants & Raves board is a thing of the past? It was great entertainment. *sigh*
on 9/12/15 3:52 am - nyork, AK
My favorite uses for it are:
Shaving (helps prevent razor burn, too and good for moisturizing after a shower)
Cuticle oil if you're into nail care like I am
Deep treatments for hair (wet hair, apply a liberal amount of oil, and shampoo it out after end of shower-don't condition cause you don't need to)
Leave in conditioner after styling hair, controls frizz (just a little or it'll be oily)
But my favorite use of it is for hair and dry skin.
For those of you suffering from dry, rough and wrinkled skin, Pure virgin coconut oil is a very good solution, as it can be used on everything from your heels to your scalp, providing lasting moisture and evening out the texture of the skin.
Most of the traditional face and body creams are predominantly water, which allows moisture to be quickly absorbed into the skin (especially if we're talking dry skin) - however, the feeling of smoothness doesn't last too long, as water is either absorbed into the bloodstream or evaporates. The creams and lotions that we use on a daily basis also contain some type of highly refined vegetable oil devoid of all natural protective antioxidants our skin needs to fight free radicals. Virgin coconut oil, however, is the exact opposite: in fact, there are scientists who claim that coconut oil is the best natural ingredient for skin lotions available on the market.
First of all, coconut oil prevents the formation of destructive free radicals. Massage it into your skin and you won't have to worry about liver spots and many other types of blemishes caused by old age or exposure to sunlight. It will even out your skin, give it a more healthy-looking texture and a subtle glow that is bound to reflect on your overall state of mind. Massage it into your skin at night after cleaning your face thoroughly and doing a body scrub - while you're in the shower, you can also use it either as a pre-wash hair conditioner to fight off dandruff, or as a normal conditioner, massaging it into your scalp after using your regular shampoo. Give coconut oil a chance to heal your skin, and you're bound to see results very quickly.
Coconut oil is also very effective for dandruff and and hair care.
To try out a coconut oil dandruff home remedy, you will first want to choose the right type of oil. 100% pure coconut oil is thought to be the best choice. You will find that it is in a solid form. It is important to heat up in the oil, whether you do this on top of the stove or in the microwave (in a microwavable oven).
Keep in mind that you will only want to use a small amount of coconut oil when trying out this dandruff home remedy. If you use too much oil, it can be difficult to rinse it out and may cause your hair to look greasy or may even lead to buildup. One to two teaspoons of coconut oil should be enough to remove the dandruff.
Gently massage the coconut oil into your scalp. Note that you are treating the scalp and not the hair, which is one of the mistakes that some people make when using a hot oil treatment. Make sure that you massage the oil into the scalp with your fingertips, rather than scratching the scalp with your nails.
Put a towel or a shower cap over your head. Allow the coconut oil to treat your scalp for 15 to 20 minutes. Be sure to rinse the hair out thoroughly, using a deep moisturizing conditioner if necessary. While you may need to do a coconut oil dandruff treatment several days in a row at first, you should eventually be able to do it only once a week once your dandruff is under control.
Coconut oil can be a cost efficient, natural and effective approach for treating dandruff without products at home. If you find that a coconut oil dandruff remedy works effectively for you, it may even be ideal to consider visiting a salon for a deep hot oil massage. Keep in mind that olive oil is thought to work much the same way as coconut oil to get rid of dandruff.
So If you're wondering how to get rid of dandruff, just try coconut oil.