The Muffin Pan
on 1/24/17 7:44 am
So here is a Bariatric related story. The pills mentioned are my PPI prescription, and the muffin tin is for the baking of healthy protein brownies. What made this even fun was the lady who picked up on my humor immediately and ran with it herself.
A few days ago I had problems filling a prescription because of a change at the beginning of the year. Phone calls ensued, and I got things straightened out. Today I returned to the grocery/pharmacy after receiving a call from my doctor that my prescription had been reissued and the morons at the insurance company were mollified.
I had a secondary mission though, and that was to retrieve the mini muffin tin I purchased yesterday and then left behind. This muffin tin was for for the purpose of making some protein rich mini muffins suggested to be by another member here. When I discovered I had forgotten it, I called customer service. The nice young man on the other end of the line assured me that my pan would be there waiting for me when I returned.
After obtaining my bottle of pills, I approached the customer service desk, and waited for attention. There were two ladies working there. The one gave me a big smile and asked how she could help me. I looked her dead in the eye and said:
"I've come to get my muffin pan."
"Your muffin pan?"
"My muffin pan. Do you know my muffin pan?"
She gave me a huge grin, but before she could say anything more, the woman working next to her burst out laughing and said, "That sounds just like a nursery rhyme!"
The lady with whom I was speaking turned to her and exclaimed, "It is! He's singing the Muffin Man song!"
We all had a laugh together, and I was reunited with my muffin pan. I also have two new "friends" in customer service. I love it when a pan comes together.
So here is a Bariatric related story. The pills mentioned are my PPI prescription, and the muffin tin is for the baking of healthy protein brownies. What made this even fun was the lady who picked up on my humor immediately and ran with it herself.
A few days ago I had problems filling a prescription because of a change at the beginning of the year. Phone calls ensued, and I got things straightened out. Today I returned to the grocery/pharmacy after receiving a call from my doctor that my prescription had been reissued and the morons at the insurance company were mollified.
I had a secondary mission though, and that was to retrieve the mini muffin tin I purchased yesterday and then left behind. This muffin tin was for for the purpose of making some protein rich mini muffins suggested to be by another member here. When I discovered I had forgotten it, I called customer service. The nice young man on the other end of the line assured me that my pan would be there waiting for me when I returned.
After obtaining my bottle of pills, I approached the customer service desk, and waited for attention. There were two ladies working there. The one gave me a big smile and asked how she could help me. I looked her dead in the eye and said:
"I've come to get my muffin pan."
"Your muffin pan?"
"My muffin pan. Do you know my muffin pan?"
She gave me a huge grin, but before she could say anything more, the woman working next to her burst out laughing and said, "That sounds just like a nursery rhyme!"
The lady with whom I was speaking turned to her and exclaimed, "It is! He's singing the Muffin Man song!"
We all had a laugh together, and I was reunited with my muffin pan. I also have two new "friends" in customer service. I love it when a pan comes together.
Found it!! Enjoyed it!! Laughed!!

To Thine Own Self Be True!!