Sockpuppeting - Lame or Cool?
I agree, Katie. I haven't seen it here in that sense - but then I spend little time here after those early marathon days when my aim was learning. And learning. And bookmarking the best!
Over the past day, I could have sworn I saw a couple of meat-puppets. I can't be certain, of course, but, like it does for Judge Judy, it raised the hairs on the back of my neck.
I would hope that mostly it's done in the way I've nearly always seem in other support groups - as a lighthearted way to have fun while entertaining others.
With this board, Off Topic, I've enjoyed the playfulness displayed here - and I wouldn't mind a bit for someone to assume a silly irreverent user name & be a clown for us.
Now, you can't see it now, but the surest way to reach goal & maintain is to be here as close to daily as possible. You go from being a student, search for answers, to practicing what you've learned, to then (after several years of successful maintenance) being able to best help with the accumulated wisdom accrued over the years of walking the walk & watching those who also walk the walk - as well as learning to recognize (from the sheer number you see over tine) the really serious signs of the beginning of serious signs of impending failure.
And how do they know the signs? Because of the years of seeking to help others. That's when tough love has a strong needed role... A loud snapping of the fingers - sometimes even the clash of cymbals,
Where I see things get rough is when 12 people show up to point out the dangers of where they are headed. Me? Heck, I'm a wuss - I'd duck & run.
But that's me.
on 4/27/14 11:39 am
Hmm, maybe that means we need a secret "tough love" symbol. From here on out, when I post a link to something by Metallica with instructions to turn the volume WAY UP, that means I'm serious about preventing failure! :-D

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!
That's maybe not a bad idea! How's about Master of Puppets? This recording. I think the above array of warning icons with this particular recording? Menacing, isn't it...
Then we give them 15 minute head start!!! And we can chill while we wait. ..
Damn, we be fine!
on 4/27/14 6:12 pm
Excellent choice!

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!
Thanks for the affirmation! After I no longer hadya household of seemingly homeless teen friends each summer, I eventually missed out on a lot of very fine music...
But I took the opportunity this evening to enjoy some of their more recent fine music. They have several pieces in the Rolling Stones special edition of 500 best rock music of all time.
Would you tell me some tthat came to mind when you experienced that bp stroke of sheer genius! We bipolars do be jamming all da time! We be awesome!
Eta - some much needed formating - but it's too damned late to get the spelling & grammar errors.
Wanted to add a significant point. When you take the journeys of others seriously, help with the accrued wisdom you have..... And you get weighed down with the wasted effort you've repeatedly expended (and the endless repetitive post - THOUSANDS OVER 10 YEARS), then a bit of comic relief is most definitely needed to recharge your batteries.
I really am enjoying the fun threads created for that purpose. Hilarity, being silly, outrageous, releases a lot of endorphins, feel-good hormones. I always have a lot less muscular tension & mental stress from my own life that is alleviated after a great belly laugh.
When I opened & moderated my first online support group, I formed a casual social/silly nonsense group as a place to make friends - at some of the members request. It was for victims of committed relationship emotional & mental abuse (sometimes physical). Many were socially isolated and really needed that bit of community in the extra safety of that private protected safe group.
But again, it was where I was annointed as momma bear. It shrunk the distance between us.
The warmth - and playfulness
of off-topic groups.....
Funny, I just thought a sock puppet was just that- used to play with them as a kid. Thanks for the education!
Me, I couldn't be bothered, besides which I like me as I am and have no problem being straight. I'm one of those people who are in old time computer lingo WYSIWYG- what you see is what you get.
It is always amazing to me that someone would like to be so sneaky and underhanded and get off on that. But I'm not surprised.
"What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls the butterfly." Richard Bach
"Support fosters your growth. If you are getting enough of the right support, you will experience a major transformation in yourself. You will discover a sense of empowerment and peace you have never before experienced. You will come to believe you can overcome your challenges and find some joy in this world." Katie Jay
on 4/27/14 6:23 pm
OK, now that the Alton is out of my system... ;-)
Sock puppets are a part of the Internet, just like Rule 34 and Longcat. If there are a few accounts around here, that's nothing compared to most other corners of teh intarwebz, honestly. I've been a mod of enough online groups over the years and seen enough flame wars to know that things here are ridiculously calm, all things considered.
If an account bugs you for whatever reason, we all have the right to block. I have a few on my blacklist and I have no idea if they're trolls, puppets, lost souls, or genuinely mean people. Don't feed the trolls and they won't bother you.

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!