Freedom From Religion
Mustang, Oklahoma about 3 miles from the Hobby Lobby corporate headquarters has decided to start teaching a bible history class. This was after the owner of Hobby Lobby petitioned the Mustang School Board to do this several months ago. This is just ridiculous. Please contact the Freedom From Religion Foundation to get involved. Oklahoma continues to be the laughing stock of the nation. SMH!
As an atheist & parent whose child will be starting kindergarten this fall this makes me thankful I don't live in a community that this happens, but also angry.
It is absolutely ridiculous. This is what private schools are for. How is this even happening in a public school? It is unfair to non-believers and to people of other faiths.
I agree with the PP about the history of religion, but all religion, not just Christianity. I'm sure you meant that with your statement. As someone whose taken classes on world religions & having earned an MFA degree in Fine Art I have learned a ton on the history of religion. Western art up through the last century or so was almost exclusively tied to religion. The history of religion is both fascinating and horrifying.
This though. Specifically a "Bible history" class is biased and I'm sure is just a ploy orchestrated by the owner of Hobby Lobby. Sad.
on 4/15/14 11:01 am
When I was going to school in Ohio, they had 'mandatory' assemblies in the gymnasium (7-12 grade) for prayer meetings. My sisters and I refused to attend based on the first amendment, they had threatened to suspend us for insubordination. We ended up with some burning crosses in our yard (I still don't understand that leap)...
Religious teachings (of any religion) does not belong in a public school. I agree that history of religion would be fine, because that's history, not religion.
It is a high school elective course about "the history of the bible" the curriculum was written by -Steve Green owner of Hobby Lobby. When the school district was approached and asked to teach about the history of other religions like S.K mentioned it was immediately denied. Public money would be much better spent teaching High Schoolers practical things they will use in the real world, ie taxes, home repairs, budgeting, etc.
I guess I don't see any harm in it anymore than I would a class on Shakespeare, it's a book. I also would have no issue with the history of Islam or Hinduism or anything else. If there is call for it (enough children interested in the subject to warrant it). With that said if one is denied all should be denied, or it should be incorporated as a "religion class" and look at all religions and the history of them. I agree high schoolers should learn practical things like taxes, budgeting and home repairs but we have classes that offer all those things at my kids high school already. I took some religion classes at the junior college I attended and found them extremely interesting. Now mind you I do label myself as a Christian, although I don't believe in organized religion and churches so I'm sure some will say I'm biased however in addition to having read the bible from front to back I've also read the Quran and found it equally inspiring. I'm kind of a Coexist girl, to each their own, even if the belief is no belief. My question would be how do the kids feel? Is there even an interest at their level? I know my children would not take it, they have no interest in the bible or religion. Just like other classes are cut for budget restrictions when there isn't enough interest in them from the students (like one of our art teachers is being let go after this year because not enough kids take art)
Since the person pushing the project is a millionaire and has the money I don't see why he doesn't set up the class and curriculum outside of the school so everyone who is interested can attend. It makes much more sense to me that way than dropping it into the high school where most kids, esp. those who plan to go to University already have so many requirements towards graduation and getting into the college of choice they can't get in the electives they already want.
I don't see any harm if it is elective. They teach the kids worse things.. If not enough kids sign on it - it will get canceled.. hopefully. if not - means kids want to take that class...
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
on 4/15/14 4:50 pm
Any time you see an article about a group fighting for "religious education" in schools, swap in the name of a non-Christian religion and see how fast the Conservatives drop it. Teaching our children about Islam? American Indian spirituality? The Geek pantheon? THE UNSPEAKABLE HORROR WON'T SOMEONE PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN!

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!
I'm reminded about the law recently passed in Louisiana that funneled money into private religious schools. When one of the sponsors of the bill found out that one of the schools that had applied for funds was an Islamic school, she was horrified and immediately began working to have the law repealed. Her comment was basically to the effect of "I thought 'religious' meant Christian!" Moron.
Surgery: RNY on 12/18/2013 with Jay M. Snow, MD "Don't mistake my kindness for weakness." - Robert Herjavec, quoting Al Capone