Food Stamps- Online Stores?
Anyways, whatever idiot said that obesity is not a disease needs to read the nearest medical journal because yes it is a disease. Idiot.
Anyone else notice that all of the stupid judgmental statements are coming from individuals who don't have a photo of themselves displayed? Hmmm. Could be because they don't want to out themselves as ignorant fools; easier to hide behind an avatar.
One of them even claims in his profile that he has no tolerance for ******** LOL! An asshole claiming he has no tolerance for ********! Isn't that rich?
I've paid enough taxes in my lifetime to ***** and moan about where its going. I stop at the traffic light on main street. Baltimore. One lady walks up to me and has a sign "out of work with kids, please help God Bless" and a pan. On the other side of the street a woman walks pass my car with a bottle of cold juice in one hand and flowers in the other a buck for the juice 2 bucks for the flowers
I noticed the cultural differences in the two people
Perhaps no one else picked up on this but -- What exactly was the "cultural" difference of the 2 people? Just curious..........
My husband and I had a hard winter. I had gotten pregnant in that early march, his father passed in July, we had to pay off his debts, we spend our winter savings (he owns his own business doing hardwood flooring) fixing up his dad's place to move into. The Recession hit, his mother was being abused by her husband so we took her in (making that six people living in our home) we were freakishly snowed in to our place for a week and then some contractor stiffed him for over 3k dollars the DAY before Christmas. If it wasn't for people in our tiny community and food stamps we would not have made it. He worked all winter, sure. He was lucky. But we were perpetually a month behind on our bills because it just wasn't enough. I only got my WLS because a friend of the family DONATED it to me. That's right she wrote over 40k dollars worth of casheir's checks for all my pre-op testing and surgery fees. She's awesome and we love her. And I am eternally grateful for her.
We're catching up and he's raking in 3k a week again, and employing all his buddies who are out of work as well. And you know what there isn't a single person in this country who pays more taxes than your small business owner. We pay taxes out the ass.
So all of you hateful, ignorant, judgemental jerks on this topic...I hope you're successful in eradicating the "handouts" you so despise. Because then when you or someone you love needs them they won't be there and you can kick yourselves in the ass for that one.
453/380/160/165I'm pretty sure bacon tastes as good as thin feels!
*Feel free to call me "Pen" or "Nic" I'll even answer to "hey you" *
I am trying with everything in me to do this the diet way (lifestyle) but it takes so much longer when you have difficulties that go along with the extra weight. I do good just to walk through the house sometimes. If I could use the little electric thingies to get around in WalMart, I would have to get to WalMart first. Some people don't understand all of the things that become so difficult to do when you have gained so much weight. Oh yes, my weight gain came on in just the last 3 years. I am way into the change of life and beleive you me, the weight comes on even if you still eat like you always have. And it's on you long before you even realize it. I will admit this and yes, it does embarrase me to tell it. I can barely whipe my behind. It is one of the many things that most folks do not even comprehend that comes with obesity. You ought to see me get up off of the sofa, LOL! Heeve Hoe, here we go, LOL! My knees sure do not like it at all!
My toilet hates me. I actually have to literally fall just to sit down to potty. It's the knees. I have tore down the cartlege in them...not bad but they are not the same. I hope with the weight loose that I get my knees back

And this I wanted to add after reading through this thread. I too have been a hard worker over my lifetime. I was raised like most folks here in the good old USA. But let me tell you, if it wasn't for medicaid and FS (and yes, welfare for 1 year) I would not have my oldest with me right now. He would have died when he was an infant. Thanks to medicaid, he got through many a hodpital stay and has lived to tell the story. We worked while on all of this except for the one year when we had no other choice. No way was I going to starve my kids because of stupid pride. I gave into this system and now I needed to receive from it, even if for just a while. Right now I have no insurance (not on any benefits) and hubby is 70 on SS and stills works a 40 hour week. We do not have enough for me to afford insurance and we make to much for me to do anything else to be able to medically take care of me (hubby is on medicare and it ain't much, but it is something). I am one of those who fall through the cracks. I pray everyday for God to get me through this time and allow me to stay healthy.
Sorry for writting so much. And yes, sometimes we all need that extra help. I think God would hold us accountable if we let pride get in the way of doing the smart thing and take care of these bodies with what ever He has there for us when we need.