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Hello Everyone,
I am scheduled to have my surgery April 2nd 2012 with Dr. P. I am excited to see a NY Post and i will have a chance to view all your comments and happenings since your surgeries. I will keep everyone updated as i will watch for your updates. I am down 17lbs as of now and i started at 266. I hope to speak with you all after the surgery it will be nice to have people to share concerns with.
Just moved to NYC and looking for a recommendation for a PCP familiar with RNY patients. Can anyone recommend someone please?! Having issues with my vitamin levels, etc and the doctor I'm seeing is clueless. Also going to be trying to have a baby next year so need to get a good doctor familiar with gastric bypass patients.
He was part of my practice in Westchester.
I know about the groups on FB,It just that with the way that FB is now as soon as you post something everyone will know,No one on FB knows that I'm having surgery and i want to keep it that way...So that's why most of my post have been on here.Granted I'm in a few groups of WLS i just don't really post in them...Your right nerves will get the best of you and every part of me wants to run in the opposite direction however i know that this will be the best thing for me...I look forward to finally being a smaller version of myself.
The resources for samples and just weird facts or post surgery questions will amaze you.
I have Multi-vites now and theyre my 3rd multi-vitamin- So far they are good.
Nerves will get the best of anyone in any situation.
Pray and prepare for an amazing journey. Get your support system together and gather a few new buds who will be or have been sleeved around the same time as u so ur not going thru it "Alone" so to speak.
I wont wish luck (It wont suffice) just a memorable experence.
Video it all- Im wishing I did more now that look back.