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I am a patient of Dr. Ahmad's practice. I had my rny on 2/17/10 and regularly attend his support groups. I would highly recommend Dr. Ahmad and Mather Hospital. I did a lot of research before my surgey and he came highly recommended, not only from patients, but other physicans. He, his staff and Mather Hospital are outstanding. They are always there if you need help or have questions. They are very approachable and informative.
I encourage you to do your research on the procedure and local doctors and to attend Dr. Ahmad's informational seminar and his support group meetings. Many of his patients at the meetings will be happy to answer your questions.
Well, I was so impressed with Dr. Alley that I changed my mind. I scheduled an appointment right away!! That was in Feb and I am well on my way to having surgery....hopefully within the next 2-3 months and I have no concerns about his abilities.
My weight has being an issued for me all of my life. I am "the fat one" in the family. I am doing this more than for cosmetic it is more for health issue. I have Sleep apnea, I have an irregular heart beat, i am borderline diabetic, and my blood pressure is a little in the high part. My family history for medical issues is long and scary.
My mom suffers from Diabetes, HBP, High Cholesterol. My father has three stems in his heart, both my grandmothers died of heart attacks.
This process was not that long for me. I attended the seminar at the end of January. I started the process right away. I had my appointment with the Dr and the NUT the following week and started the insurance approval process.
I am very lucky that my primary doctor and cardiologist were on board with me from day one. I actually wanted to do the Band and she suggested the Sleeve instead.
I thought the hardest part was getting my weight loss history. Turned out that the easiest thing for me. I was able to get my records from WW. The hardest part was the fact that i had very low iron and I had to get Iron fusion. Getting stick with needles twice in one week, plus all of the blood test after was not easy for me.
Now that everything is done, I am a bit nervous but at the same time, I am ready for my new life to begin. To hit that reset button in my life and start new. I already sign up at the gym and hire a trainer. We will start working together July 16, 2012. I am looking forward to see what the future has instore for me.
I am happy that I have found this website. That i have found people like me. Nice to meet you all.
Would like to invite all Capital Region members to support group at Albany Medican Center South Clinical Campus (25 Hackett Boulevard, Albany), every Thursday, 5:30pm to 7:30pm. All surgeries, all hospitals.
Here is a map to help you get there: +south+clinical+campus&fb=1&gl=us&hq=medical+center+south+cl inical+campus&hnear=0x89de0a34cc4ffb4b:0xe1a16312a0e728c4,Al bany,+NY&hl=en&view=map&cid=17591602619595392716&ll=42.64740 7,-73.780489&spn=0.01632,0.042272&z=15&iwloc=A&pw=2
Hope to see you there!
"The road to health will have speed bumps, pot holes, stop signs and asshole drivers that cut you off... but with WLS, never doubt that you will get there."
Resolve never to quit, never to give up, no matter what the situation.--- Jack Nicklaus
Get a copy of the policy and amy riders that apply (make sure it's specific to YOUR Policy - and the riders apply to YOU. Some company exclude WLS specifically...and you need to know this.
I hope you don't think this is a magic bullet - because it's's an entire lifetime of change - with very little chance of going back. Also, once you are diabetic, you will always be prone - while diabetes goes into remission with surgery - it doesn't "cure" it.
Thanks for replying. I may just come. Can you tell me where in Sayre do I go. I really need some advice. I'm seriously thinking of finding another Dr. to work with me. My band has been giving me major issues and my Dr. doesn't want to do anything about it. I'm very disappointed with it. I throw up every time I eat and I would like to know if others have this issue.

on 5/23/12 10:06 am