Hello Hello anybody there??????
Ok. Now i know the weather had been beautiful here in NY but where is everyone? This board has been a little quiet the last few days. Also not many showed up for chat the last couple of times.. Where are you
OK i know i havent been around much either, enjoying the weather but come on in and just say hi, update us on how you are doing. Me i am kind of stuck again at minus 70. Cant get that scale to move. Have to work a little harder for the last few pounds i guess. Have a great one.
Reminder NY chats are Mondays at 2pm, Wednesdays at 8pm and Saturdays at 8pm. ANyone want to add a time and date just let me know. We are moving the chats back to OH chat room. I know many of you do not like that room but until i can work something out that is where we have to do it. THanks.

Hi LisaMarie!
Hope you are enjoying the onset of spring and that all is well in your world. I have been a little inundated with life. My son is turning 13 next wednesday, we had a party for him this past saturday, and more family parites coming up. My husband's dear friend (somewhat a surrogate mom) is in end stages of life and in the ICU, septic, and plagued with a history of diabetes and heart disease. Juggling birthdays, end of life issues and upcoming surgery in less than two weeks...oh, plus work....Uy vey!
I've been doing a bit of "last suppering" and I keep reeling myself in, getting on track, and then losing it again. I guess it's all part and parcel, and it's making me think hard about how to manage emotional eating...not easy, but worth the continued struggle.
What's new in LisaMarie land? How are hubby, kids, challanges of your post op experience?
Wow Surgery is only 2 weeks away, didnt realize it was so close. That is exciting. I am so happy for you.
Yes the birthday parties can get to be a bit much in the spring time we are dealing with that too here.
I am sorry that you are dealing with a sick family member so close to going for surgery. You dont need any extra stress, but as you know life keeps happening around us. We dont catch a break ever.
The last supper thing is normal. Nerves will do that. Just try to stay on track as much as you can. You know the deal about the liver and surgery and stuff. Oh i am so excited for you.....
Everyone here doing great. We have graduations and school trips comming up, son is graduating middle school heading for high school OMG i have a kid going tohigh school , and my daughter is graduating grammer school going to middle school, unblelivable. ..and i went and registered my soon to be 4 year old for pre k....wow. Other then all that i am stuck at 70 pounds and need to get that scale moving again. Water is my problem...will work harder. Have a great day and please feel free to email me if you need to talk or get through these next 2 weeks.

(deactivated member)
on 4/13/06 10:27 pm - MT
on 4/13/06 10:27 pm - MT
Yeah it has been very quiet lately...
I guess they are all enjoying this nice weather...
I know rain is coming today but they are saying the Easter weekend will be nice.

Take care hun....
Debra P

Hi Lisa Marie! Lisa Ann here!
I'm new here, with surgery (VSG) coming up June 6, so I don't know my way around the OH site very well yet. So the info about the NY chat was news to me. I'll try to record the times and dates and maybe to get connected to the chat board someday. (Who knows how long it will take me to figure that out?!)
My problem is, no matter how much I want to do something on the computer, I have next-to-no experience except sending staight-on emails.
That's the only thing for which I've used the computer for years. It's like a mystery to me. (And yes, I am blonde!)
I hope I'll catch on someday!

Hi Lisa
I used to live on the Pok, HP border. My mother-in-law still lives there, but I'm across the river now just north of Newburgh. My son misses the HP schools-LOL
The best learning experience on the computer for me was just being on a lot and teaching myself. I've been online since 1997.
I wish you the best on your upcoming surgery.

Hi Lisa Marie and everyone else! I'm looking forward to some decent weather over the weekend so I can go out and play in the dirt. It's a little rainy here in NJ at the moment and my ankle is feeling it. I limp pretty bad with the rain.
Oh well, have a wonderful day.
Celebrate your lifestyle!
Hi LisaMarie. I keep forgetting those chats! I really want to go to them because I always have so many questions and I think it would be easier to ask in a chat instead of posting on the board all the time.
I always go through and read all the new posts and sometimes I get my answers from them. I am 5 weeks post-op as of Wednesday. I am doing ok I guess. Everyone is noticing the weight loss now and telling me I look younger so Im happy about that!
I dont really notice the weight loss alot though. Ive gone done 1 size at least..some cases 2 sizes but the scale only says like 30 pounds. I thought most people lose like 50 in the first month, or at least the 6 people I know that had surgery did. As far as the surgery itself, I cant believe Im saying this and Im knocking on wood as I do, but it was a breeze!! I cant believe how little pain I had. Ive had no complications. Eating seems to be fine. My biggest problem there is eating too fast, or too much then i just get nauseated and have to lay down to get it to go away. I get to try meat for the first time next week. Yippee! lol...i have had tuna and crab meat though which went fine so I dont expect any problems. I would like to ask about this constant burping though?? Omg its crazy. I dont think I read about it anywhere before surgery. Any ideas as to what its all about? lol...Thanks