IVC Filter ?
Hi all,
I just got back from my surgeon's office and am really nervous !
Everything went well except for the fact I did not lose one pound this past week b/c I cheated to much !
I am back on sticking to the Medifast though as I want to be nice and squeaky clean for the surgery on Thursday !
Anyhow what has me upset is the IVC filter that I will have placed on Wednesday .
I discussed this with my surgeon today and if you all remember I had a leg scan done as well a couple weeks ago and all was okay with it just a slight insufficency with the outer vein not the one deep in the leg . Well with the fact that the Hematolagist did not find what was causing the prolonged PTT left the question of should I have a ivc filter placed or shouldn't I ?
My surgeon say's I am borderline and when I first came to him my legs were much worse but still have issues but not as bad with the weightloss.
He say's that he was leaving it up to me and after discussing it with him I have decided that I am getting one placed b/c I don't want to have any doubt's or regrets afterword's .
The thing is I still wonder if I really need this ? What is the procedure like?
Does it hurt ? How long will it take ? What are the risk's involved with it ?
My surgeon does not place them but explained a little on that I am young and he recommends that I have it removed after the stress of surgery has passed . He say's that in some patient's that they can't retreive it so they wind up leaving them in !
what I want to know is what happen's if they have to leave it there? What risk's come along with that ?
So there it is ! This is what I am dealing with now !I really hope that someone read's this that has been through this and that can explain to me better what the hell I am doing here !
I am so nervous ! HELP !!!! I am getting scared and wondering if I have made the right decision on having one of these placed !
Thanks everyone !

(deactivated member)
on 4/13/06 6:18 am - MT
on 4/13/06 6:18 am - MT
Hun though i do not have any info to add to this, I did want to send my thoughts and prayers to you that you find the answer you need. ~hugs~ Just ask your PCP and surgeon to get what they think you should do and go from there.
I wish you all the best! 
Keep us posted!
Debra P

It sounds like your doctor is just being cautious. If I understand correctly the filter is put in place in case you have blood clot in your leg and the filter will prevent it from going to your heart. I say better safe than sorry. The next thing is to call your insurance company and find out if it's covered and does the procedure have to be pre-cleared or pre-authorized.
The next thing is to try and calm down. Make yourself a cup of chamomille and take a hot bath and relax. Pamer yourself a little, you deserve it.
Who is going to keep us updated next week when you're in surgery?

Hi Joanne,
Yes , you are right it is placed so that the blood clot (if any) will not go through to your lung's or heart !
I will be on that phone first thing in the morning with the ins. co to make sure that it is covered ! Thanks for reminding me of that b/c as upset as I am I did not even think to call them !
I am starting to calm down some .
Hmmmmm......Chammoile tea huh ? I will try it . I have never had it , sounds relaxing though ! That bath is a great idea !
Thanks Jo !
Oh and my angel Laura is going to be posting updates for me next week for my surgery ! She's a good Gal !! You will love her !
:love; and

Hi Carol,
Well I'm glad I could help. It always helps to have someone give you little reminders when we get a little frazzled. We don't think clearly
and forget stuff and right now the last thing you need is some stupid insurance company
throwing a monkey wrench into the works.
I hope the tea and the bath help and then you know you can always come here for support.
Just be confident that everything is going to be just fine. Think positive.

I think you have a lot of valid questions, but I think it's best if the answers come from an MD. I encourage you to get all of these questions answered before you make a decision on having the IVC filter placed. You need to make an informed decision. I think that once you get answers to these questions, you won't feel quite as worried. Information is power.
Good luck. Keep us on top of what you find out and decide.
Hugs to you sweetie. All part of the process, I guess....
Hey Carolee,
Geesh yet another thing we have in common. I have a history of dvt and I take coumidan daily. I also will have to have one placed prior to surgery. My mom is an RN and she says that they will give you a local, you wont feel anything and they will either go it in you groind area or in your neck depending on your body habitus. They can be removed after however alot of times they are left in there.... which you already know. but dont worry our doctor knows his stuff... Im excited for you and hope i get to meet up with ya soon...
Livin out loud,
I will speak from my experience.
I had a long ago past history of DVT. I asked my hemotologist & surgeon if it would be a good idea to place one in. Since I had an open hysterectomy on 01 with no problems they decided not to.
Fast forward to WLS. I had many complications including DVT and bam... a pulminary emolism! It could have cost me my life. They then took me in and put one in. I have a permenant one. Fine with me. I am on coumadin for life. But I would rather have that filter than ever have another DVT (I have had 3 episodes in my life including this past one) and now a PE.
The PE caused me to have to be put on life support and trust me that is not a thing I would want to see anyone go through.
Most people who have one in prior to WLS have it removed within a few months after, however based on my past it is a permenant one.
It is painless, you don't even know it is in there. So if they even feel a little concerned HAVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love hugs and hopefully it will be put in for nothing, but I wish I had mine put in before. Would have saved me a very tramatic and dangerous experience.
I had plastics in January and no problems at all with blood clotting.