Update on Mich P
Hello everyone. I just got off the phone with Michele and she is doing ok. SHe had a little problem with she said was a touch of pnemonia and is getting some IV antibiotics. She needs to stay and will probably go home tomorrow. Her spirits are good and the surgery itself went well. She will call me when she is home. Just say a little prayer that the pnemonia clears up and she can go home. Thanks.

Tavia V
on 4/12/06 4:36 am - Long Island, NY
on 4/12/06 4:36 am - Long Island, NY
Hey Lisa,
Thanks for updating us on Michele. Let her know I am thinking and praying for her! Tell her to cough, cough and cough!! I know it hurts like heck but you have to get that stuff up and not let it sit. I remember them banging on my back to help loosen it up.
Pneumonia coming from the GI tract can get bad so I hope it clears up all the way before they send her home. I had pneumonia a couple days after and yeah well, we all know how that story went. I am sure she will be fine though! Cough! Keep us updated.
Tavia V
on 4/12/06 7:13 am - Long Island, NY
on 4/12/06 7:13 am - Long Island, NY
I am ok, thanks for asking! I got all five of the drinks in yesterday and I am on number three right now. Yuck and yuck.

(deactivated member)
on 4/12/06 5:55 am - MT
on 4/12/06 5:55 am - MT
hun thanks for the update and I sure hope Michele is come soon and feeling better.
Please send my love her way when you talk to her!
Debra P