I wish I knew "what" before surgery....

(deactivated member)
on 4/12/06 12:37 am - MT
Hello All, I wanted to try a thread that would get us all thinking of things we wish we knew about BEFORE having WLS. I know there are many things that I "knew" about but it really never sank in until AFTER the WLS. One of my major things was/is: Dealing with the food demonds...I knew it was going to be an issue after surgery but right after surgery it seemed like it was going to be ok with some work but NOW 10 months out those bad eating habbits want to peek back in and take over. I am starting with a phyc next week so this will NOT take over again. BUT wow I wish I would have taken this a little more seriously then I did even right before surgery. Ok that is one of my things I wish I would have "known" more about BEFORE WLS.....come and list if you have anything... Debra P
on 4/12/06 1:40 am - bethpage, NY
hi i am 6 weeks p/o before surgery i thought i knew everything i would be faceing after. Boy was i wrong! I had complications i didn't see comming,i thought i knew how much everything would change but I don't think you can realy know or antisapate everything,i guess you just have to live it,try to be positave and ask lots of questions,get support.But i know this, surgery was the only way for me.I tried everything else,so its face everything that goes with surgery or everything that goes with the helth problems of being as heavy as i am!!! I have to say that i've had more good days then bad ones. the people on this site have been great!! I've gotten lots of information and questions ansered. I know i am just starting this,and i have alot to lern,but I know the good things surgery will bring to my life will far outweigh the douts i may have.so I say in the words of my favorite Boston song'' Don't Look Back''!!! Does that sound stupid? (god!! I have to learn to spell!!!!).
(deactivated member)
on 4/12/06 10:32 pm - MT
Nancy, Yeah this journey sure if filled with the unexpected that is for sure and I am with you, I would not change what I did for anything! It was my only option as well since nothing else gave me this tool to learn and help me. That does not sound stupid hun and I am with you, I need to learn to spell better as well... Debra P
on 4/12/06 1:53 am - Rochester, NY
Great idea Deb. One of the things I wish I would have "known" more about is how my mind would have trouble perceiving my new body. I've lost a 100 lbs so far (plateauing for about 4 weeks) but most days have trouble visualizing the "new me". I know especially by my new clothes size that I've lost weight but most days when I look in the mirror I still see the bigger me. I still think I can't fit into some restaurant booths or down aisles at the store but actually now have room to spare. Oh well, hopefully someday my mind's body image will see my new body. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest (or what's left of it). Have a good day. Cindee 310/210/???
(deactivated member)
on 4/12/06 10:35 pm - MT
Cindee, Yeah that is hard to do, to really see yourself in the mirror the way we really are but ya know I think even really thin people do not see themselves as who they are.....well maybe some do but most say the same things I look at my clothing now and say NO WAY this will fit....and it does...Hubby and I joke and say "hey whos baby clothes are these"... ~hugs~ Debra P
Tavia V
on 4/12/06 2:02 am - Long Island, NY
Hey Deb, In my experience so far I would say that I am very surprised that the level of ignorance and even arrogance a lot of the medical community shows toward post-op WLS patients. I kind of figured that most 'normal' people would be alittle ignorant towards the "stomach stabling surgery" but I never thought about how doctors would behave towards post-op WLS patients. I never thought about it really before my surgery, I mean who would? For example, I would have liked to be less taken back and know how to answer a doctor when he "jokily" says maybe they should do an upper gi where I ate a snickers bar and see what happens. right. hugs
(deactivated member)
on 4/12/06 10:40 pm - MT
Tavia, Hun I am sure you have many things to look back on now with all the BS you are going/have gone through! ~hugs~ and with all the Dr's, you sure got to see many ignorant people regarding the WLS! I have seen a mix of feels from Dr's but I have not seen as many as you! Well STOP eating all those Snickers bars and you will be fine... (joking) Hey I guess there ARE many people that would do that and THEN complain about how they are feeling to a Dr! Sad to think.... Thanks hun. Debra P
on 4/12/06 2:03 am - rosedale, NY
Hi Debra I wish I knew that I would have too rethink myself and not just my size. I never thought being smaller would make me feel like less of a personality I guess I was type cast for so long I need to try out for new roles
(deactivated member)
on 4/12/06 10:43 pm - MT
Vee, I guess I would never have thought that either...I guess when we are larger we are more "out there" and once we are "normal" in size we kind of blend in with others. Girl, find that new YOU and have fun with it... Debra P
on 4/12/06 3:35 am - new york, NY
Hmmm Debra this is a great question. I have to say honestly that so far the ride has been what i had expected. I am only 5 mths out so i am sure that things will change but right now i am still feeling the effects of the Honeymoon phase of this surgery. I am loosing weight, i am getting attention more now then ever{and i love attention}, i have more energy then all my kids combined i cant sit still for anything, i have made more friends in the last couple of months because of the surgery then i had in a very long time. I do have my moments of "emotional" hunger but i have pretty much been able to deal with it, very few slip ups. Now ask me this question in a few months and it may be a different answer but for right now i am FEELING GREAT! LisaMarie
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