(deactivated member)
on 4/7/06 4:08 am - MT
on 4/7/06 4:08 am - MT
I am not sure about the ulcers, I thought that after we had the surgery and we have no more acid that we would not get ulcers. I am sorry I am not help but curious as to how they happen for us now?
If anyone knows please explain....
Emm I hope you are feeling better soon ~Hugs~
Debra P

I never quite bought the "no more acid" line.
I think there is still some, but much less... because most of the 'proton pumps' are in the old stomach, which is lower in the system.
Of course, there's always the chance that it could 'backpressure' back up through.
Anything that sits against the stomach lining and is an irritant (ibuprofen, aspirin, for examples), will eat at the stomach lining, and over time, can eat into it enough for an ulcer.
H.Pylori I think can also cause an ulcer, but I can't remember what percentage of ulcers are caused by it.
I would think, as one of the first things they'd try would be the antibiotics for the h.pylori, and also nexium/protonix/etc for the acid, and see how it responds to that.
Did they say anything about why they thought you got the ulcer Emm? (I know I replied to Debra's post, but hopefully, you'll read this too

When I went in for the procedure, the anesthesiologist wanted me to drink this stuff to cut down stomach acid. I said, "Why do I need this -- I was under the impression there was no acid in my stomach from the bypass." He said, "Yes there is." So I drank the lovely stuff, after which I requested a bucket quickly...
I don't know where it came from. They said it was near the site where the pouch and the intestine were connected. I was prescribed Previcid(?), I think. As for the possibility of h.pylori, I think I will call my PCP and ask about that on Monday -- thanks for the thought. I have not had any aspirin or ibruprofen for a year, but I certainly had my share before the surgery!
Thanks for your response -- I didn't see it earlier because you replied to Debra so it wasn't sent to my e-mail.