What did you eat?
(deactivated member)
on 4/6/06 10:03 pm - MT
on 4/6/06 10:03 pm - MT
TGIF ALL ~hugs~
Glad once again it is the weekend.
Ok what I had yesterday:
B- 3 1/2 oz cottage cheese with 3 fresh strawberries.
1 Centrum chewable multi (taken 1/2 hr after my Calcium now), 500 mg B-12 (sublingual), 1 chewable 400mg Bariatric Advantage Calcium Citrate.
S- string cheese, 12 grapes
1 500 mg Viactive chew (calcium carbonate)
L- small Wendys chili
S- 1 pretzel Rod
1 500 mg Viactive chew (calcium carbonate)
D- 2 1/2 oz chicken leg and wing, some potato salad.
1 Centrum chewable multi (taken 1/2 hr after my Calcium now), 500 mg B-12 (sublingual), 1 chewable 400mg Bariatric Advantage Calcium Citrate
*Supplements: 1800 mg calcium (both Citrate and Carbonate), 2 multi vitamins, 1000 mg of B-12.
*Water Intake: 64 oz water, 8 oz crystal light
*Excercise: n/a
Take care and have a great day! ~Hugs~

Debra P

Good morning Deb;
Sorry I haven't been here all week. I have been busy running and when I can get on line its been late.
B-3oz ff cottage cheese and pineapple
L-6oz ff/sf yogurt
d-1/2 grilled cheese
Water, water and water (still not enough, but I am sipping constantantly)
Viti's are good. These are easy for me.
I just get very tired because of my female issues, but I am scheduled for surgery on April 18th, and hopefully all of these other issues will be done with and I can excerise and be peppy like I should.
Have a great weekend.
Hey Debra!
What did i eat yestruday?
B-Half of a gutted bagel with tofu scallion cream cheese and and egg with cheese
S-Coffee with protein
S-Achieve one coffee drink
D-1/4 of a chilli taco and a few nachos with cheese
S-popcorn and a few wheat thins
Too many carbs yesturday....not enough protein. I will do better today! Have a great Friday. Yea its the weekend.
Good Morning all!
What I ate yesterday:
B-carb control yogurt smoothie
L- went to olive garden with mom and daughter, split a chicken and tortellini dish with mom, ate my chicken and a couple tortellinis, and half of my minestrone soup.
D- spinach, beets, couple bites of chicken
S- mini bag of popcorn 100 calorie bag
took 2 flintstones, biotin, protonix, 2 viactive calcium chews throughout the day. some water not enough, decaf coffee and some reg coffee
Thats it
Shannon Arnold
Hi All!!! Had my followup with my PCP today and weighed in at 159.5 - 70.5 lbs gone for good
and he took me off of the Zocor and put me on B12 and zinc sulfate just to make sure that I'm getting enough of each.
The trade-off is ok with me!!! My blood work was all good as well.
What I ate yesterday-
B 4 oz carb control yogurt and 4 oz lite cottage cheese
L 3/4 oz cheese and 2 Wheatsworth crackers
S 5 almonds; 3 pistachios
D 1 spare rib, 1 tbs green beans
S Sf fudgesicle & sf popsicle
10 minutes on bike, lots of water, decaf with splenda, iron, fish oil capsule.
230/159.5/115 (my goal)