Update on me
Hi OH family,
Since my date was scheduled (April 27th), a few things have been accomplished: I had doppler's of my legs (all clear), I had a cardiac consult (all clear), and last night I got my...drum roll please...INSURANCE APPROVAL!!!! I was so anticipating a fight with insurance and had to read the letter twice to realize that I had been approved!
That's the good news. The other news (not necessarily bad) is that I have been struggling with emotional eating and could use some support from you guys. I feel like it's party nerves, party last-supper-syndrome, and partly feeling in limbo between having strictly dieted to lose the pre op weight, and wanting to try to "eat reasonably" and maintain the loss, and not really succeeding (I've gained about 4 pounds...)
The last thing I want to do is start gaining again, but I've lost momentum and am having trouble getting back on track. Any encouraging words would be welcome!!
Hugs to you all,

(deactivated member)
on 4/6/06 10:09 pm - MT
on 4/6/06 10:09 pm - MT
Congrats on all this moving forward and your date will be here before you know it.
I was the same way before surgery with the eating and it mellowed out after surgery but now that I am out 10 months my eating issues are starting to peek back in......
I can not offer advice but I would say talk to someone about this, I have made my appt and I go at lunch on April 21st to talk to a phyc regarding my eating issues. This should have been addressed before but here I am and it is time!
I wish you all the best hun ~hugs~
Debra P

Hi Debra,
Thanks for your support. You're absolutely right that this is an ongoing issue. I have been working with a therapist but took a break for a while. It might be a good time to start up again. I realized today, thinking about all this, that in a way, the surgery itself takes control away from you temporarily. What you used to do, you no longer can. I guess the idea is that you relearn control, with the use of the tool that the surgery creates, in a whole new way. I'm in a limbo now. No tool, just about to give up control in a big way. Kinda scary!!!
Thanks again for your thoughts.
I am so happy for you !
That is awesome new's ! I know exactly how you feel !
As far as the emotional issues with eating , I have to agree with Debra .
I am calling a psych . doc too and address these issues as I know I am going to struggle with them !
I should have done it sooner than this but I got so wound up in the emotion's of this whole journey that I have not made the time to do it !
I may have been on the Medifast to lose the weight but I have also cheated several times b/c of stress and feeling's that I just medicated with food !
I did try to make better choices though and even sometimes then I did not make the best choice .
I am sure that your nerves have been running you into emotional distress as you are so close to this surgery and like you said the stress of just maintaining the loss actually causes you to look to ffod .
I am right there with you sweetie !
I ahve been having a really hard time this past few weeks with eating issues .
The only advice I can give you is ....Try to make the best choices when you eat something and remember that eating something that you think you may never have again is just a sabatoging thought and that you will be able to eat that food again but in moderation .
That is what I keep telling myself .
I still flub up and taste things like my fav. pizza but I don't pig out and I don't eat it all just taste . I have to admitt though one time I did eat a qiute a bit of it and then I moved on and felt better . Kinda got it out of my system.
Sweetie, you are a very important person and you need to look at yourself and tell yourself that everything you do ,everything you eat is important to your health and know that soon you will be starting a whole new life and great adventure that will only work if you make it happen .
So try to imitate that life the best you can right now before surgery .
We of course are here for you whenever you need us !
Good Luck Amy ! I am so happy for you !
Keep us posted !

Thank you for your sweet, sweet words Carol! It is comforting to realize that we are going through the same kind of thing at the same time!! I just posted to Debra (above), a realization that I had today: the surgery itself takes control away from you temporarily. What you used to do, you no longer can. I guess the idea is that you relearn control, with the use of the tool that the surgery creates, in a whole new way. I'm in a limbo now. No tool, just about to give up control in a big way. Kinda scary!!!
Anyway, let's walk side by side virtually through this nutty period of time. Next year at this time, we'll be fitter and have at least the daunting surgery behind us!
Hugs to you,
AMY CONGRATS!!!!!!! THat is awsome news. You are soo close....
As for the eating, well all normal. For a long long time whenever we were happy sad nervous what did we do? EAT. THat is why we are here to begin with. I agree that a therapist is the best way to deal with this issue. Our obesity is not just a problem with our mouths and stomachs it is mostly our brains that got us heavy. Hang in there. Use whatever support systems are available to you including this one. Email me anytime and i mean that.

Hi Amy,
Wow it is getting so close, huh? That is wonderful, I am happy for you.
Right now, I don't have much of an appetite from my meds, but I have known emotional eating a lot..I had a bad one last month babysitting kids plus having my own. Party mix chips and pre-fill on my band. I did an emotional eat on a healthy food more recently...oh yeah it was soy crisps..and it was not pretty, they got stuck...so the thought of soy crisps is turning me off right now.
I remember reading Jamie's suggestion of blogging, so I started that up again and that really helps a lot. I also just really ask myself why I am eating each time I eat. It sounds a little weird, but having been an emotional eater, it's a must for me. Anyway, just a couple of things I do, and they help.
Hi Kristine,
Sorry to hear about the soy crisp incident (!). This is a very strange time, pre op waiting. You are about to relinquish control only to regain it in a very different way than ever before. And waiting for that definitely brings up control issues!! Big time!!
Anyway, learn as you live, I guess.
Nice to hear from you. Thanks for your thoughts.