Down 50 LBS
(deactivated member)
on 4/6/06 9:02 am - MT
on 4/6/06 9:02 am - MT
Congrats on your loss....
You are doing great...
Give your body some time and more weight loss to see what will happen with your knees, I know mine stopped making strange noises a while out but still get sore every now and again when I over do it....I guess the damange that I did to them can not undone at this point but we will see...
Otherwise how are things with you hun?.....
Debra P

I still get the cracking knees in exercise class. I don't know why, but dehydration comes to mind when they start cracking, but I drink so much as it is. We have a part at the end of the tape where they do "mini-squats" and that's where I end the routine, because I hate the cracking. And at that point, I've done my mile-lol