on 4/6/06 10:33 pm - Fort Plain, NY
Thanks Kristine ! Here it is the next morning and I am still on cloud nine ! Take Care ... and , Carol
Amy C.
on 4/6/06 8:06 pm - Old Chatham, NY
Wow Carol! Conratulations! You have been through a long haul to get all this in place. Congratulations indeed! I'm so happy for you. Keep us posted. Hugs, Amy
on 4/6/06 10:38 pm - Fort Plain, NY
Thanks For the Congrats Amy ! Your right it has been a long haul to get here but it has all been worth it so far ! Your surgery will be here shortly too ! I wish you all the best Amy ! You have been an awesome support for me and have given me some great encouragment ! Thank you ! I am happy for you too ! You must be getting a little nervous as your surgery gets closer ...Huh ? I know you will do just fine ! If there is anything I can do for you just let me know ! Take Care .... and , Carol
shannon arnold
on 4/7/06 12:13 am - Coopers Plains, NY
Yeahhhhhhh !!!! I am so excited for you. Congrats. Well the time will fly now, only a few more days. Yipppeeeeeee. Can't wait to see ya on the losing side, although you have done a great job so far already. My prayers are with you. Shannon Arnold
on 4/7/06 9:21 am - Fort Plain, NY
Thanks Shannon ! I can't wait for you to see me on the losing side either ! Have a grat weekend ! and Carol
on 4/7/06 2:07 am - middle grove, NY
Carole - I am so excited...I just can't stand it!! You give me inspiration. Look at all you have been through and now you are so close. That must be so relieving. How did you prepare for after surgery i.e. what groceries have you stocked etc.? When you get a minute let me know or give me a call or I'll call you when I get a minute. Still smiling for you....Mary Ann
on 4/7/06 9:26 am - Fort Plain, NY
Mary Ann , Thanks for the encouragment ! Wow, what a compliment ! I have never thought of myself as an inspiration for anything ! Thank You ! By the way..... you my dear , have an email ! Talk to you soon ! and Carol
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