on 4/6/06 5:07 am - Fort Plain, NY
Hi all, I just got back from my surgeons office and I am so excited !!! First let me say that I lost another 5.8 lbs making a total of 48.8 lbs since starting the Medifast ! Now here is the bigger new's .......................................................... I AM APPROVED FOR SURGERY !! !!!!!! The approval came just this morning ! Some more exciting new's is that they may be moving my surgery date up to April 14 th instead of the 20 th!!!!! I will know for sure tomarrow !! It feels so good to have everything in order now ! I am so nervous now that it aint funny !! I just had to share this juicy new's as soon as I got home with all of you ! Take Care Everyone !!! and Carol
(deactivated member)
on 4/6/06 5:45 am - MT
Carol, WOW Congrats, congrats and congrats!!! I know you must be SOOOO excited that you can not stop smiling right? I know the feeling.. WOW the 14 is only NEXT WEEK!!! Pleaes keep us posted... I am just so happy for you!!! Debra P
on 4/6/06 7:24 am - Fort Plain, NY
Thank You Debra! It means so much to have your support ! Your right I can't stop smiling ! Happy, Happy, Joy Joy ! and , Carol
Tavia V
on 4/6/06 6:41 am - Long Island, NY
Carol! That is such good news to hear! I am so very happy for you!! YAY. Wow almost 50 pounds gone and you havent even had the surgery yet! Great job, I could NEVER do that. I know you will be just fine. I am so excited for you, your day is almost here! Whopeee. Good luck with all the last minute things. I will be thinking and praying for you. Take care. Hugs Tavia
on 4/6/06 7:29 am - Fort Plain, NY
Hey There Tavia ! Thanks for the encouragment ! It feels so good to have you for support ! You , through all your complications have been holding strong and that right there is such an inspiration to me ! Thanks for being such a good friend ! I am doing the happy dance !!! WHOO-HOO and Carol
on 4/6/06 8:06 am - Ravena, NY
Carol, Congratulations on your weight loss and the possibility of the new surgery date!!! It's so exciting. I remember the day when I received the date, I was grinning from ear to ear. Please keep us posted. Where will you have your surgery? LindaM
on 4/6/06 8:19 am - Fort Plain, NY
Hi Linda, Thanks ! It is such a wonderful feeling , isn't it ? I really hope I get that new date but if I don't it still won't only be a couple of weeks away ! I am having my surgery at the Ellis Hospital . Your more than welcome to come and visit if you'd like too ! I am not sure just how good of company I will be though but you have been there and understand every bit of it ! I will keep you and everyone else posted . As soon as I hear anything I will be on my computer ! Thanks so much Linda. Your support is greatly appreciated ! and , Carol
on 4/6/06 8:23 am - new york, NY
CONGRATS....what a relief. I hope they can move it up, even if they cant its soo close......YEA! LisaMarie
on 4/6/06 8:35 am - Fort Plain, NY
Thanks So Much LisaMarie ! You are such a sweetheart ! It is a really big releif if I do say so myself ! As I said to Linda , I am hoping for my date to get moved up but if it doesn't that is okay too b/c it is still coming fast ! Thanks for all your support ! and , Carol
on 4/6/06 11:49 am - Plattekill, NY
That's AWESOME news Carol! WTG on the weight loss too! Kristine
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