Vitamins Minerals Whats the Deal???
HI susan...
while i was doing all my preop clearances
i started on the surgeon recommended
viatmin CENTRUM chewable, starting
takeing calcium chews and took BIOTIN.
I wanted to start makeing this a daily habit
early on. SO far 10 months out my blood work
is not deficient. SO i think all is good.
I get more bloods done in two weeks.
Tavia V
on 4/6/06 6:51 am - Long Island, NY
on 4/6/06 6:51 am - Long Island, NY
Dont forget about b12(in mouth) and B1-Thamine(if needed)
The doctor needs to take a special tube of blood(b/c it needs to be frozen in the lab or something) just to check for B1 and they usually dont if you dont ask. It isnt included in the usual b vitamin labs.

Most people take a centrum type equivalent a day *I use walmart brand*...early postop some use the adult chewables or 1-2 flinstone chewables (eww)
, calcium CITRATE (*form we can utilize best after wls as the carbonate needs acidic environment which we do not have any longer and can add to kidney stone formation as well, I say don't waste the time, space or your bones with the carbonate!) 500-600mg doses 3-4 x day as the body can only absorb so much at one time...(citrical now makes a chewable *they do have 35 cal and 5 g carbs in each 500mg dose...., bariatric advantage has chewables *see or ) later on the tabs are usually fine.... and B12 sublingual 1,000-1,200mcg a day. SOME still need B12 shots
Then the rest is based on labs, deficiencies happen over the months/yrs following wls...things like
A, D, E, K, zinc, selenium, magnesium, thiamine (B1), B6, folate, iron (some need iron shots or infusions as they cant even absorb the iron tabs)
SO get your labs and follow up for life to know what u will need! Some have many others none w/ deficiencies....bodies r so individual!
Take Care,
Lap RNY 10/9/02
Dr. Singh
320/163 5'9'' (lost 45 before Surgery)
Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King
"Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've
decided to see beyond the imperfections!"

This is part one of a two part post which I give to yall new folks:
My favorite liquid vitamin is Tropical Oasis Multivitamin/Mineral. You only need to drink a half ounce and it tastes like cranberry juice. It was easy on the newly operated tummy. You don't have to *order* it - you can go right to GNC and buy it, thereby saving all that shipping and handling. [BTW, Optisource are too huge, but surgeons get paid by the company to sell them. Also you have to chew 4 of those suckers a day].
I have tried GNC's chewable Solotron. They are lime flavored and have 23 vitamins and minerals. They don't taste bad and you take two per day. I have tried their Ultra Mega liquid and the problem with it is that you have to drink an entire ounce. You have no idea how huge an ounce can be til you have to choke down an ounce of that. The flavor was not too hot, either.
I have purchased a jar of Centrum Chewables so I could report on them They have 22 vitamins and minerals. They taste like orange cream. They are not huge and you only have to take one a day [if you are normal. I would take one in the morning and one at night, given our malabsorption factor].
Also, please remember that you must take calcium CITRATE, not calcium CARBONATE. We do not absorb CARBONATE. Twinlabs makes a chewable calcium citrate. Be sure to get capsules and not hard tablets.
That's it for now!
Good luck and God bless!
This is part 2. It is Michelle Curran's [Vitalady] schedule. She is a very successful 11+ year post op. If you have not seen her before and after, I think you oughta - she's at Below is her schedule and what it costs to purchase what you need [if you purchase it from her site].
AM: 1- Vitamin C; 1- Polysaccharide Iron (or 6 Chewable Tender Iron)
Mid-day: 1- Vitamin A&D; 1- Vitamin B-12; 1- B Complex 1- Vitamin E; 2- Calcium Citrate;
1- Multi
Evening: 1- B Complex: 1- Vitamin E; 2- Calcium Citrate; 1- Multi; 1- Zinc
Bed Time: 1- Vitamin C; 2- Calcium Citrate
Shopping List:
Qty Item Price W ill Last Avg Cost/Day
1 Dry A & D (10,000IU, 400 IU) 100 Cap $ 4.99 100 days = .05
1 Vitamin B-12 Sublingual Dot (500mcg) 100 Dot 6.79 100 days = .07
1 Vitamin B Complex 200 Cap 19.99 100 days = .20
1 Vitamin C (1000mg) * 500 Tab 17.99 250 days = .07
1 Dry Vitamin E (400IU) 250 Cap 23.99 125 days = .19
1 Calcium Citrate w/ D & Mag. 240 Cap 14.99 40 days = .37
(500mg, 200IU, 250mg)
1 Iron (150mg Polysaccharide Iron) 100 Cap 22.99 100 days = .23
1 Multi-Vitamin/Mineral* 500 Tab 15.79 250 days = .06
1 Zinc (50mg) 250 Tab 5.79 250 days = .02
Average cost Per 30 Day Month = $37.80 Per Day = 1.26
*If chewables are desired we can substitute:
1 Chewable Vitamin C (500mg) 500 Tab 15.99 167 days = .10
1 Chewable Multi Vitamin/Mineral 300 Tab 14.79 150 days = .10
1 Chewable Tender Iron (25 mg) 400 Tab 11.99 40 days = .18
Average cost Per 30 Day Month = $38.40 Per Day = 1.28
And here is some stuff about protein shakes. Protein shakes are a very individual like/dislike thing. My personal favorites are as follows:
GNC 100% Whey Protein [chocolate][20 gm/scoop]
IDS Banana [26 gm/scoop]
IDS Vanilla cinnamon [26 gm/scoop]
Protein Delite White Chocolate Strawberry
Protein Delite Coconut Almond
All of the above mix instantly and have wonderful taste, without that gritty mealy sensation. I use a shaker glass instead of a blender to avoid making it too thick or foamy. You can also get the unflavored proteins and mix them into your foods and drinks. I will admit that I have never used the unflavored proteins and have no idea what they will do to the flavor and texture of your foods and beverages. I recommend getting a trial pack from [she includes IDS and several other brands] and from [she carries the champion whey stack brand]. You can get many different brands at at only $1.60 per sample.
*and* here are two links for FREE protein samples which were recently provided to us:
The Stallone Pudding is also quite tasty and has 20 grams of protein in each little can. It comes in four flavors and can be purchased at GNC by the can [like a sampler]. Additionally, Isopure makes a ready to go clear liquid bottle in various flavors with 40 grams a bottle. The good thing about those immediately post op is that they are in a resealable bottle. You can pour your ounce in your little shot glass and sip it slowly as you need to. Good luck and God bless!
Nancy, please read Vitalady's schedule up there. Her list says all of what we need and when we ought to take them. Two flintstones is not enough nutrients. And you have to take specifically calcium citrate. It's very important to get the right type of vitamins. Not all the ones you see in the vitamin store will work for us.
Good luck and God bless