What did you eat?

(deactivated member)
on 4/5/06 11:09 pm - MT
Hello All ~Hugs~ Ok what I had yesterday: B- 8 oz carb control milk with 1 scoop Isopure choc protein powder, 3 fresh strawberries and 1 tbs Cool Whip Free. 1 Centrum chewable multi (taken 1/2 hr after my Calcium now), 500 mg B-12 (sublingual), 1 chewable 400mg Bariatric Advantage Calcium Citrate. S- string cheese, 1 sm plum 1 500 mg Viactive chew (calcium carbonate) L- 4 oz tuna with light mayo, cucs and 1 wheatsworth cracker S- 6 oz stallone pudding, 1 orange (about 1 hr after pudding and it sure hurt my pouch, hurting pouch all night but better this morning...I guess I pissed off the pouch with that orange ) 1 500 mg Viactive chew (calcium carbonate) D- 3 oz Pork chop, about 1 tbs macNcheese, salad greens with cucs 1 Centrum chewable multi (taken 1/2 hr after my Calcium now), 500 mg B-12 (sublingual), 1 chewable 400mg Bariatric Advantage Calcium Citrate *Supplements: 1800 mg calcium (both Citrate and Carbonate), 2 multi vitamins, 1000 mg of B-12. *Water Intake: 64 oz water, 12 oz crystal light Ok I think that is it... ~Hugs~ you all have a great day! Debra P 285/171/125??
cynthia C.
on 4/5/06 11:26 pm - ridgewood, NY
Hi Debra P. goodmoring to all b- coffee with protin s- ice pop l- 4 oz chicken 1/4 carrt < pureed > s- 1 tbsp peanut d- 3 oz chicken 1/4 < pureed > s- ice pop i had all vitamins and meds------ 16 oz water today goal is 20 oz have a nice day cynthia c.
(deactivated member)
on 4/6/06 12:31 am - MT
Cynthia, Hello hun ~hugs~ That is good that you have set a goal to get your water in. You will be up to 64 oz soon enough. Have a great day! Debra P
on 4/6/06 4:39 am - new york, NY
Well another crazy morning here at he zoo..... B-scrambled egg with cheese and half banana S-Coffee with protein powder L-Leftover chicken cutlet with slice of swiss over salad S-Coffee with protein powder D-Chineese Sesame chicken about 4 pieces and a veggie roll S-Popcorn and half a banana with peanutbutter Better late then never! Hope your having a great day. LisaMarie
on 4/6/06 8:15 am - Ravena, NY
Hi Debra, Here's what I had yesterday. B 4 oz carb control yogurt; string cheese L 1 oz chicken & 1/2 c egg salad with 2 wheat crackers S 1/2 serving Baked Lay chips D Zone snack bar, string cheese S protein drink 10 min on stationery bike, all water, vitamins, iron. Haven't taken any Nexium in about 4 days and things are ok. Began taking a 1000 fish oil capsule and that moves things along. Take care, LindaM 230/158.8/ 115
looser lee
on 4/6/06 8:18 pm - kirkwood, NY
hey deb sorry i didnt post last night got home early and found out my neice had her baby she had a little boy and he is so cute what i had yesterday::::: b:::1poached egg and 2 cups coffe s:::2string cheese l:::1/2 wendys chilli s::::hand full pretzels small orange d:::5 small meat balls s:::sf fudge bar all vitamins stool softener water water water thjats it 316/160/150ish
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