Getting ready to Quit this Whole thing.......

on 4/5/06 2:38 am - middle grove, NY
I was thinking this morning that why don't I just call the whole thing off because I still haven't heard from Medicare about approving it. The hospital has just applied to get the Center of Excellence certification and they wrote to Hilliary Clinton. All of the tests are already scheduled for 4/11 and 4/18 so I asked Dr. Clarke's office if Medicare would pay for those. They said they didn't see why not. It's just that things are moving so slowly and I am getting disgusted with all of this bureauocratic BS!! Does anybody else have to wait for Center of Excellence from Medicare.......Mary Ann
on 4/5/06 3:22 am - Brooklyn, NY
I can imagine your frustration, but why call it all off? If you really want this done then time should not matter, and if you call it all off you will have worked hard for nothing. You are better off waiting for an approval then calling it off and having nothing to look foward to. It is worth the wait, Trust me! Good Luck, Kimberly 238/155/140
on 4/5/06 5:47 am - middle grove, NY
Kimberly - I just want to tell you that by reading the responses from you and some others that it made me rethink things and now I am in a more positive state of mind. Thank you...MaryAnn
on 4/5/06 3:45 am - Ozone Park, NY
Hi Mary Ann, I'm pretty new here and haven't even gotten to the point you're at, but try to stick it out and hang in there. I know it must be frustrating, but you'll probably be more upset that you stopped the process. Just give it some more time. Good luck and keep us posted. Diane
on 4/5/06 5:50 am - middle grove, NY
Diane - If you are new here I can tell you that I am relatively new also. These people really help support you and they are some of the nicest people I have ever known. Thank you.......Mary Ann
on 4/5/06 1:12 pm - Ozone Park, NY
Mary Ann, Thank you. I do see just how nice, supportive and encouraging everyone is. They make you feel so welcomed. Diane
on 4/5/06 5:17 am - Plattekill, NY
Hi Mary Ann, I can feel your frustation. Though I had little trouble with bariatric surgery, I have had problems with other stuff. Easier said than done, but don't lose hope and don't give up. Keep trying! Kristine
on 4/5/06 5:52 am - middle grove, NY
Kristine - Thank you so much for all of your support. It really has made a difference on how I look at things now. Mary Ann
on 4/5/06 5:38 am - Fort Plain, NY
Mary Ann, I am sure that you are really upset ! Waiting to hear is so damn frustrating ! I know that Medicare can be really fussy but other insurance co. are too ! Medicare takes their sweet time to give their answer but you must realize that many, many people have waiting a really long time to hear from their ins. co. as well ! Don't give up ! I spoke with you on the phone and I told you that Paula would be the person that would get an approval for you ! She is one tough cookie and she knows just how to work it to get that answer AS SOON AS POSSIBLE ! She really knows her stuff ! Get your test's done when they are scheduled and try to be as patient as you can ! You have plenty of time to get that answer before the actual surgery ! I know that it is hard but I also know that you can do this ! Hang in there and think positive ! Take Care, and Carol
on 4/5/06 5:56 am - middle grove, NY
Carol - Thank you for the wake-up call. I needed that kick to change my attitude and thanks to you guys it really has made a difference. A lot of people have gone through so much more than I and here I am having my own pity party. Look how long you've waited and yes, it is true about Paula. She told me to also write to Hilliary so I did and anyone else so inclined should do so too. If anyone needs info let me know. Thanks again Carol.........Mary Ann
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