Baseball Season Happy Happy
So today was my sons first JV baseball game it was fun, very, very cold and we lost. However, the best part was some of the parents that I have not seen since last season were checking me out big time. I knew they noticed a difference but at first they were not quite sure what it was. Finally one mom walked over to me and said "Kenny you look very different"
Ha haaa, quite an understatement, I told her I lost 50 lbs since last season and then the compliments poored in! Great feeling!
If thats not enough to boost one's day,todayat work a woman that never bothers much with me walked over andstarted talking likeshe was my best bud. I guess the lap band and Golds Gym agree with the new me!

Isn't that great? My daughter's softball season starts tomorrow. It is cold and supposed to snow but that is spring time in western new york. I went to the doctor's today and he was so proud of my weight loss. (62 pounds since July but 32 since surgery Jan 30th) I left his office beaming but the compliments continued all day. I think my head is getting bigger from all the compliments. I am not complaining though. Congrats on the weight loss!
~~hugs and well wishes~~

That is wonderful, Kenny! Feels good, huh?
I'm a baaaaaddddd parent. We don't do much because I'm shy and don't like to be around people much, unless it's a group of people I have something in common with. Weird, I know. (We went to the Palisades Mall Saturday finally and that was a big step for me) I take the boys to church and I was getting strange looks from a woman I am a little bit acquainted with. Then I was telling someone she was sitting next to about the surgery,(she thought I had RNY so I explained the lap band) and how I'd lost 50 pounds and the woman piped up and said, "THAT'S what's different about you."