Good new's and not so good news !
Hi everyone !
Hope everybody is enjoying the sunshine ! Well I have some new's to tell you about and I have actually known about it since Friday but have not gotten around to tell you all.
First the good new's ....... I was cleared for my surgery from the Hematologist doc. on Thursday morning ! The bad new's is that he called and cleared me one day to late as if you all remember they just cancelled my surgery on Wednesday last week and he called on Thursday to clear me !
So my surgeons office said there was nothing they could do b/c they had already rescheduled my surgery from the 5th to the 20th !
So I still have to wait !
My Hematologist doc said that my test results came back normal so actually I am in the same boat as LisaMarie was in meaning they do not know what is going on with the prolonged PTT !
They will intervene if needed !
I went and saw another doc for my surgery clearance b/c my regular PCP got into a car accident about a month and a half ago and has not been back to her practice since . She is due back on the 18 th of April though and I am glad she is okay ! Anyhow the other doc whom I seen also had the surgery and is 8 months out and looks absolutely fabulous !
She said she thinks I will do just fine and gave me a nice talking to bout the in's and out's of the surgery ! I really appreciated that !
She gave me clearance so that is all in place now all I have to get is the ins. approval which is driving me loony worrying !
All my surgeon's office needed was a note from my Hema. doc and that was it before sending it in for approval !
Wish me luck !!!!! I should be hearing something really soon !
My 40 th birthday is tomarrow ! I wish I could have been about 10 yrs younger though !
I was so hopeing for the surgery to be the day after my birthday but know it has all changed ! That's how much a day can change things !
I was really upset to learn that my Hema. doc called the very day after speaking with my surgeon and of me getting postponed for the 5th !
I have gotten past that now finally !
I just am praying that everything else goes right so I can get the surgery on the 20th !
I just wanted to let you all know what was happening !
Thank you all for such great support !

Carol that is good news...Yes it is frustrating that you have to wait, and down the road it may get even more frustrating when they take a million and one tubes of blood from you to try to figure out what the platlet problem is ....but hang in there. May 20th was meant for you for a reason. You will do great. If you ever need me email me!

Thanks for the encouragment ! Yes it is frustrating ! I am not looking forward to those future blood draws either ! I would however like to know what is going on with my blood clotting issue though !
By the way girl , you have me waiting a whole month more then I actually have too !
My date is April 20 th !
Thanks so much sweetie ! You are great !

Wooo hooo
Congratulations - you're on your way now Carol.
I'm so very glad to hear that your doctor has now cleared you for surgery. You've been very patient but just, the wait will be over soon. I remember the feeling - you feel like dancing on the walls (well, you know what I mean).
I haven't been able to post very often lately but have been trying to follow every one progress and you are now on your way.
Keep your spirits up and you'll be on the losing side of WLS real soon.
Have a wonderful day and again, congratulations.

(deactivated member)
on 4/3/06 4:08 am - MT
on 4/3/06 4:08 am - MT
Hun this is so awesome....CONGRATS!
I know that was a rough road here at the end of this part of your journey but in only 2 weeks your NEW life will begin....

Debra P