Hi Everyone,
OK, so I'm trying to decide on which Doctor/Hospital to go with. I know ultimately it's my decision, but I thought I'd pick your brains again.
I've been looking into Lennonx Hill, Winthrop and other places in Long Islad, but I also live pretty close to New York Hospital of Queens, (which my Mom volunteers there) and Long Island College isn't too far, either. I know some of you used those two hospitals and would love to get your opinions/feelings on them. Thank you guys. I really appreciate it.

Hi Diane,
Well I don't know anyone elses experience--But I had the BEST care at Long Island Jewish Hospital (Long Island Jewish Center for Weight Loss is the best). Dr. Sandeep Malholtra --is also a wonderful surgeon and the support before and after surgery is outstanding. 
Both me and my girlfriend Sharon had RNY (laproscopic) and we had absolutely NO complications. I have lost 71 pounds(six months) so far and Sharon has lost over 120 pounds( nine months).
We both feel wonderful.
Just my opinion--but I think that you couldn't do better than L.I.Jewish.
Be Blessed,
Marian S.C.

Gi G.
on 4/1/06 4:11 am
on 4/1/06 4:11 am
I was at North Shore/Manhasset [affiliated with LIJ] and did not think the post-op care I got on the floor was good, in fact I think it was INADEQUATE. I'm still perplexed because I know that they do deal with bariatric surgery there regularly, but you would have never guessed it from the care I got. I feel lucky that I was educated, have a nursing background [and a mom who is an RN!] and well informed BEFORE HAND, because being on pain pills after anesthesia is confusing enough - and having 5 different residents tell you 5 different things, which was different from what the nurses said, which was different from what my surgeon [who left for vacation the next day], and was different from what the PA said, and was different from what the covering doc said and was different from what the nutritionist said .... well, you get my point ... I was smart enough to stick to my 'before' plan, and to know enough about nursing and hospital care to assert my rights, and lucky to have my mom to help the last day ... however it was emotionally draining to be so vulnerable and have some 19 year old resident tell me I should be eating on the first day! I also had problems with having blood drawn, the I.Vs - which is par for the course for me, but was disappointing in how they dealt with it ... I demanded to go home at least a day early [I had open on Wed a.m. was set to be there 3 to 5 days and told them I was DONE on Saturday morning]. Just my experience, perhaps it was just a fluke?
OTOH, I heard WONDERFUL things about [Maimonides in Brooklyn]. HTH xosm
I'll throw in my two cents...I traveled from the Albany NY area to have Dr. Garber in New Hyde Park for surgery. He operates at Mercy Medical in Rockville Center. If not him, his partner Dr. Spencer Holover is also good. He assisted with my surgery. Each takes a variety of insurances so chances are yours will be accepted.
Get lots of information on everyone and everyhospital. Good luck.