New MD and New Surgery Date
Hi Everyone,
Well...due to your strong support and suggestions I have interviewed a quality physican...Dr Holver...and not only his he fantastic but a hotee as well.
I was extremely impressed with him as well as his staff. Knowledgable and fully comprehensive. A million fold better than the physican I had before..
Man, you guys are all sharp and you all know your are impressive when it comes to recommending the best.
My surgery date is moved back to April 25th and I am thrilled.
Once again, everyone, thank you for all of your advice, email and are ALL Simple the Best.....hugs Susan

I can tell from this post compared to the last ones that you feel much better about the decision you have made. You knew in your gut that you weren't making an educated decision, but you just needed a little push to really know it. I say give yourself credit for that and you gut too!!
Anyway, I'm glad you found a surgeon that you feel confident with and makes you feel comfortable. What hospital does do his surgeries at? If you have any other questions or need other information you can always send me an e-mail.
I'm going to be in Bayside tomorrow if you want to meet for coffee or something.

Hi Susan,
You will like the staff at Mercy Medical. They are top-notch
Dr. H removed my drains...I asked him if he always wore such nice suits for the "messy" work..he just laughed and said yes, it wasn't that bad. He also assisted Dr. Garber with my surgery; you chose well.
Best wishes for a successful surgery.