Susan Maria Stay Away!

on 4/1/06 4:43 am - Buffalo, NY
Personally, I think that's a little strong. I read the rant after seeing all the negative posts here. Her defense of me was decent because I gave that girl with the salsa and chips at 4 weeks out appropriate advice. I was fairly called to task by the "there there" crew who saw nothing wrong in that girl rewarding herself with bad food choices at four weeks out. I spend a lot of time trying to help people on this site to make good choices early on so that by the time that honeymoon period is over, they have developed eating habits that will keep their bounce back gain at a minimum. I get berated by those who don't like what I have to say and that's the way it is. In that, again, Susan is right. Naturally, those who see themselves in the bad end of what she had to say and recognize themselves are going to be pissed off. I will still continue in my attempt to teach people what they need to know to be successful. The surgery alone is not enough. and Yes, I will continue to order the products I do like from her site, just as I order from Vitalady and others. I hope veryone will lighten up a bit and read the rant again - slowly and carefully. It was not that bad.
on 4/1/06 5:08 am - new york, NY
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. I personally do not care for the manner in which she expressed herself. I wont loose sleep over it one way or the other, its all said and done now. Its just sad that there are people in this world that need to put down others in order to make themselves look or feel better. Yes some of her points were valid, and yes some people have not done their homework properly, but that is why we are here. We are here to help those people, sometimes we need to be a little harder on some but its not to be negative its to steer people in the right direction. Not one person here is perfect or even close. We are not all of the same intelligence or education but just the fact that some people write down things even if they are wrong is a step in the right direction. Maybe the person eating the birthday cake knows they are not supposed to eat it and wants someone to yell at them....we dont know why people do things, but i know there is not one person on any of these board.."over her OR over there" that have not made a mistake or made a poor food choice on their journey. What bothers me is the choice of words that were used. To me it shows her true colors..again my feelings and you dont have to agree with them. I usually dont even respond to these types of things but this board has become a family to me and when my family is is attacked i respond. I have read her post numerous times and like i said while i agree with some of what she says, there is a correct way of expressing yourself and she did not do that. To me she sounds like a true business woman looking for attention, customers and people to join her as she called it "perfect site". ANyway i have really wasted enough time on this subject so i think i am done. As i have said these boards have become family to me and i respect everyones opinion if you agree with me or dont. Have a wonderful day...hope to see everyone at chat! LisaMarie
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