Susan Maria Stay Away!

on 3/30/06 10:27 pm - new york, NY
Look what she thinks of us. I wont be ordering from her site anymore...Will you? LisaMarie
Joanne NYC *.
on 3/30/06 11:00 pm - White Plains, NY
Hi LisaMarie... I don't order from her site anyway, because I believe that protein shakes are those who are newly post-op. I have not touched a protein shake since I was about 6 months out. I think most surgeons will tell you that they would prefer that you got your protein from food anyway. That being said, I didn't think Susan Maria said anything that wasn't true, except that she made it sound like the board over there was perfect and it wasn't over here. Wherever "over there" and "over here" are. Alot of what she says makes sense. If someone is not getting enough protein from food, then find a protein shake that you like and drink it. We need to take vitamins, find what you can handle and take them. I think she has made a mistake though. She takes those posts about protein shakes and vitamins as complaints. I don't think they are as much complaints as they are requests for help in finding one that a person likes the taste of or can tolerate without feeling ill. I've met her. She's a wonderful person. We may not agree with everything she says all the time, but she has a right to say it just like everyone else and if you like her products and they give someone what they need, then there is no reason not to buy her stuff, just because you disagree with what she said. Hope I haven't offended anyone. Joanne
on 3/30/06 11:14 pm - new york, NY
I feel that there are just some people out there that are trying to get educated. SOme people just need more guidance then others. This is not an easy journey. THERE ARE NO STUPID QUESTIONS. I am very upset that she used this to recruit people to her site. You should never put someone else down to make yourself look better. I feel this is what she is trying to do. I will not give my hard earned money to someone who does this . Sorry. LisaMarie
on 3/30/06 11:03 pm - ObesityHelp Support Group Leader, NY
Hi LisaMarie, Thank you for sharing this with us. As I told you in your message about the Achieve, I haven't ordered anything from that site in a long time. I am a support group leader through the Obesity Help site and I think it is a shame for her to sit back and pass judgement on us. We all need to help each other! Just because she has a web site where she robs us of our money for our supplements as she marks up her prices, charges us outrageous shipping costs and has a book that I wish I never bought, doesn't mean that she is better than any of us. However, I am tired of hearing about Star Jones. Sorry for getting on my soap box about this. Jackie
(deactivated member)
on 3/30/06 11:59 pm - MT
LisaMarie, Thanks for posting this Hun....~hugs~ I am kind of mixed with emotions about the rant but then again it is "her" website and she can post what she wishes. I really do like her products and I think what she does offers a great service to us but her words are very strong, almost rude! Making "her" message board sound perfect and the "others" negative, NOT TRUE! We are made up of many different kinds of people and thank goodness for that, could you imagine what the board (world) would be like if we were all "perfect" (the same)! Boring!!! This journey is a hard one and good for some if they have it down "perfect" but others do struggle with it from day to day, it will be like that for the rest of our lives. I guess I am middle of the road on this, I do feel her words are to strong for my liking but then again we all have an opinion on that! I will keep purchasing her products because I believe in what she is doing, picking the things that help us and taste better then some others. She offers QUICK shipping and really not that bad prices in my eyes but once again that is just my opinion. BUT I will not go to the boards there anymore since reading what she wrote, once again my choice. Take care Hun and thanks for posting, we are all entitled to post our feelings! Debra P
on 3/31/06 3:59 am - Bayside, NY
Hey LisaMarie Sorry to hear that, that other Susan upset you. Hey its just ones opinion. I found her story gutsy and dead on... But then what the heck do I know...just one more opinion.... Hugs.. the other Susan
on 3/31/06 5:38 am - Plattekill, NY
I've never wouldn't order from her site because I rarely order products online anyway I am a tightwad since I am not working, and I am also impatient. I am the type of person who would rather just go out and buy what I need. Today's supplement buy was some Citracal Calcium Citrate chews from Wal Mart Yep I'm a cheapskate-LOL Kristine
Amy C.
on 3/31/06 8:15 am - Old Chatham, NY
What I don't like about her "rant" is that she feels it is necessary to make one thing "bad" and the other (hers) "good." It is terrible to speak in a public forum in such a negative way about something that is obviously so helpful to so many people. I have no doubt that she has a lot of good ideas and things to say, but negativity has very little place when it comes to supporting big changes. That's just babyish and silly. Anyway, we know we like and trust each other, so to heck with her! ....that is unless she needs some support, in which case, come on over! Hugs, Amy
on 3/31/06 8:50 am - Ridge, NY
DONT LIKE HER RANT and its this site that brought me to her for orders...... no more orders from me for her either! SORRY just my view lisa
on 3/31/06 11:43 pm - QUEENS VILLAGE, NY
Hi LisaMarie, I read the "rant" --and yes , it was not a pleasant piece to read. There were some parts that were in some ways true--but then, the fact that the title of the site is "This months RANT" --well, That's exactly what Susan Marie uses the site for--to "RANT". The truth of the matter is that there are people who "fall off the wagon" We, at this site, try to help those people, by gently encouraging them to return to their original intent. I know that I have to go over the "Rules of the Pouch" each month --so that I won't fail. I don't want to regret five hours of Major surgery--simply because I can't resist carbohydrates.( and it isn't easy for me--I have had NO complications --I can eat almost everything and I haven't had any horrendous "dumping" for the entire six months since my surgery. I think that the reason that I like this site so much and the people on the site is that we care and we try to encourage each other with loving, caring, gentle discipline. Often, I see posts that show that people are unaware, or uninformed--I read the responses and I am satisfied that almost everyone here CARES deeply for each other. So don't get upset by Susan Marie--her opinions really don't matter that much-- I am just happy that the people on this site are positive --not negative --like Susan Marie Be Blessed, Marian S.C. 242.4/171.4/goal125-130?? That's why
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