very sad :mad:
After waiting since 1/15 to here from my local regarding coverage for my WLS, she calls me today and said that it was reviewed on 3/24, but they did not come to a decision and they will re-review it in May.
I can't believe that they are doing this. To not give me the courtesy of a "yes" or "no" answer. I feel as if they are hoping I go away. How can an insurance company make someone wait this lon? I am sad, mad, livid and confused! I have never heard of anyone "not knowing" for so long. Most patients are either denied or approved within a week or two.
I called my surgeons office and they said, being I'm done with all my preops, to come in for 2nd consult next week, and they will give me a date and submit to insurance. Maybe this will push them to a decision! I don't know if this is a waste of time!
On top of this all, I went to my PCP yesterday with a painful rash on my neck and I have Shingles she said........from my nerves. I just don't think it is fair for anyone to have to deal with this stress and anxiety for so long.
Well, I am trying to look on the bright side.....they haven't denied it their is still a chance.........I guess.
Have a good night everyone,
I am sorry to hear that insurance is giving you such a lousy time. Insurance companies can really rot sometimes. Hopefully your surgeon submitting a date will help.
Regarding your onset of shingles, I just read somewhere that there is a new type of medication available, an injection I believe, which shortens the duration and intensity of Shingles. Ask you pcp if s(he) knows anything about it...
I am also waiting for insurance approval and it is nervewracking.
My heart goes out to you. Good luck!
I know how you feel, I have been all sone with my clinicals since February and the insurance company still has not approved nor denied, I am feeling like you, mad, angry, sad etc.. but don't give up, I did not seen who your insurance company is, I was advised to send a letter to the NYS Attorney Generals Office, on his web site is a dispute form and instruction to either mail or fax in. I just did this on Wednesday, it couldn't hurt, I'll let you know how I make out. Keep pushing, things will work out for the best they always do. By the way I viewed you page and your children are beautiful
Hi Lisa,
I'm so sorry to hear of the rough time you're having. Unfortunately, I'm still in the very early stages of WLS, doing research and all, so I can't speak from experience of dealing with my insurance. Actually, the most I did was call them up to see if they can tell me anything and the woman I spoke with said that as long as they feel it is medically necessary, the surgery would be covered. However, I'm still searching for Dr's and haven't gotten to the point of submitting anything to my insurance, so for all I know, I can have a long wait or even be turned down on my first try. I wish you luck and I certainly hope you feel better. Wow. Shingles, all because of nerves. That's like me getting my ulcers from the same thing, which, thankfully has cleared up. I wish you luck. Please keep us posted.
Hi Lisa,
Go ahead and do the 2nd consult with Dr. G. It could be just the ticket for the insurance company. His office is very good with insurance companies. Find out from Farrah if there is anything further that you can do (she is the person who deals with the ins companies at the dr's office).
Keep up posted and not to worry...your day will arrive soon.
(deactivated member)
on 3/30/06 9:18 pm - MT
on 3/30/06 9:18 pm - MT
Hun I am sorry about all of this and I know that the Ins Comp love to play their games for sure!
I would be on the phone with them every day asking them WHY MAY? Why not now? Did they at least tell you that?
It is really good that your surgoens office will try to push this along for you, that is really good!!!! I wish you all the best of luck with getting that approved.
Sorry about your shingles as well hun, my cuz is just getting over them herself and they stink! The stress and anxiety are the worse! Try to take a break from thinking about this for a day and plan something cool. I know it sure helped me though it was very hard to keep my mind off of it for a whole day!
Well I wish you all the best! ~hugs~
Debra P