Surgery Postponed !!!!

on 3/29/06 6:01 am - Fort Plain, NY
Hi all , My surgery was postponed until April 20th ! I got the call this afternoon ! I am so upset ! I have been crying all afternoon since getting the call ! My surgeon spoke with the Hematologist and said that the Hematologist would not give me the clearance for surgery until my blood test's came back . So me , being totally p'd off about it b/c the Hema.doc had told me before that he thought I would do fine with the surgery , called the Hema.. doc and asked him why he told me that and then turned around and would not give the clearance ? He said that he told my surgeon that if he wanted to do the surgery then fine and he would intervene if nessecary ! He said that there is still a chance ,no matter how slight ..that I could bleed severly with the surgery and that is what my surgeon does not want ! He said that my surgeon will not take that chance and decided it was best to wait until they find out what the problem is . I know that it is all for the best as I do have complete faith in my surgeon but it still doesn't help the emotional upset and disappointment that I am feeling right now ! It seems like I have waited so darn long already now I have to wait another 4 weeks ! Of course I also have to stay on the Medifast another 4 weeks as well ! I am so sick of it , Ya know ? I had my leg scan today and at least the tech. said that all looked fine with that ! He said there were no clots . I am thinking ...Of course not, I am having trouble clotting ! Anyhow I only have a slight disfuctional vein and he said that I should not worry about that but in time it could lead to a problem so I should consider getting it stripped out . Well I just thought I would let you all know about the postponment ! I love you guy's ! Take Care.... and , Carol
Joanne NYC *.
on 3/29/06 6:10 am - White Plains, NY
Carol, I'm so sorry, but you know it may be for the best. You want to be in the best possible physical condition you can for surgery. The last you want or need are complications. They can make you miserable. I know you don't want to hear that right now. I know how you feel. I was on the operating table and my surgery had to be postponed because the anesthesiologist punctured my lung trying to put in an epidural. I wanted to kill her right then and there, even though I couldn't breathe. What you need right now is a great big hug, so here it is. {{{{{{{{{{HUG HUG HUG HUG}}}}}}}}} Joanne
on 3/29/06 8:55 am - Fort Plain, NY
Joanne, Thanks so much for that hug ! It helps so much to have friends like you to comfort me when I am down ! Wow, the anesthesiologist punctured your lung ? That is awful ! I can't even imagine how you must have felt ! I know that this is for the best , it is just so hard to accept ! I am so ready for this ! I will get there sooner or later and with the support of you and all my family here at OH I will feel much better about the wait ! Thanks so much ! and , Carol
Amy C.
on 3/29/06 7:03 am - Old Chatham, NY
{{{{{Carol!}}}}} I'm so sorry for your dissapointing news. It's only a few more weeks, but when you're psyched up for something this important, it feels like an eternity. Of course, it is good that your surgeon is being careful. In the long run, better safe than sorry, but you're right, it does nothing to make the dissapointment feel better. I wonder if your surgeon might consider having you switch to a low carb/low fat diet for the next few weeks so you don't have continue on Medifast? Just a thought. Next year when you're on the other side of this, you'll look back on this whole experience and still say you're glad you did it! Everyone else does! In the mean time, deep breaths.... Sending big hugs to you, Amy
on 3/29/06 9:05 am - Fort Plain, NY
Hi Amy, Thanks for your encouraging words ! You are right it is a good thing that my surgeon is being careful . I love the thought that you had about the low carb/low fat diet and I would jump at the chance to do it but my surgeon insist's on his patients staying on it until surgery . It stinks but I guess I'll have to do it ! It is so nice having friends here at Oh to cheer me up ! Thanks again ! Take Care. and , Carol
on 3/29/06 11:19 am - new york, NY
Im so sorry Carol, that really sucks. Hang in there, i guess they have to be sure you will be ok. I had the same problem so they just had platlets on hand for a transfusion should i need it, never needed it! It will all work out hang in there. LisaMarie
on 3/29/06 7:19 pm - Ridge, NY
OH CAROL i am sure this was very upsetting. I know i had to move my sugrery date out and i was sooo mad with that. I think things happen for a reason and its hard but its for your safety (((HUG))) and i know this date will be here before you know it SMILE! lisa
(deactivated member)
on 3/29/06 8:55 pm - MT
Carol, Hun I am sorry for this and all I can do is give you a big hug!!! I know how upsetting this is for you and I know you know all the things that one would say: (when the time is right it will happen, things happen for a reason and you need to be safe FIRST!) I know that all of that does not matter when you are feeling so bad...please let it out and get yourself ready to move forward, you are allowed to mourn the delay but make sure you keep an eye on what is upcoming in only a couple of weeks....A NEW LIFE! Thanks for letting us know hun and I am sorry again, know that we are all here for you! If you want to chat just email me and we can exchange numbers. Debra P
on 3/29/06 9:15 pm - MONTICELLO, NY
Carol, Sorry you're upset, but this surgery is dangerous enough, why take extra chances? Your day will come, & you'll do fine, which is what we all want! Nothing happens without a reason? Linda
on 3/29/06 9:31 pm - BROOKLYN, NY
Carol I'm so sorry to hear your disappointing news of a postponement, but thank god it is postponed and you have not been cancealed..... it really is for the best to be safe then sorry this surgery is very risky as it is and you do not need any extra complications to add to it or to the stress of this journey..... It is a very emotional time for you but you are a very strong women and you will get throught this that I am sure of here are some {{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}for you and keep the faith your surgeon knows what he is doing......I know the medifast is a bummer but you are almost there so hang in there...... We love you girl.... Christine 346/215/193
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