What did you eat?
(deactivated member)
on 3/28/06 8:18 pm - MT
on 3/28/06 8:18 pm - MT
Good Morning all ~hugs~
In work early today since my lil Jeep needs to go for service to the dealer and I guess I will be staying late as well.
I am so starting to hate this place I work at but it will have to do for now. I updated my resume last night so I am ready when something OTHER comes along.
Ok what I had yesterday:
B- 3 1/2 oz cottage cheese with 3 fresh strawberries
1 Centrum chewable multi, 500 mg B-12 (sublingual), 1 chewable 250 mg of Twinlab Calcium Citrate
S- string cheese, 12 grapes
1 500 mg Viactive chew (calcium carbonate)
L- 3 oz grilled Chicken with cucs
1 chewable 250 mg of Twinlab Calcium Citrate
S- 6 oz stallone pudding with 1 tsp ground flax seed
1 500 mg Viactive chew (calcium carbonate)
D- 3 oz pork chop, some Mac N Cheese
1 Centrum chewable multi, 500 mg B-12 (sublingual), 1 chewable 250 mg of Twinlab Calcium Citrate
At bed time I had the last chewable 250 mg of Twinlab Calcium Citrate
*Supplements: 2000 mg calcium (both Citrate and Carbonate), 2 multi vitamins, 1000 mg of B-12.
*Water Intake: 75 oz water, 10 oz Crystal Light
*Excercise: fixing and working around the house
Take care and have a great day! ~hugs~
Debra P

(deactivated member)
on 3/28/06 10:11 pm - MT
on 3/28/06 10:11 pm - MT
Thanks hun and it is good to see you....~Hugs~ How are you feeling???? please email me when you get a chance or post back here.... 
Debra P

(deactivated member)
on 3/28/06 10:12 pm - MT
on 3/28/06 10:12 pm - MT
Yeah strange noise so need to have it checked out...
Hey how are you feeling today? did you get to go home early yesterday like you were hoping?
Debra P

(deactivated member)
on 3/28/06 10:56 pm - MT
on 3/28/06 10:56 pm - MT
Hun that is good and I am glad you are feeling better.
Sometime we just have "things" that don't feel right and sometimes it just happens. I know for me that there is so much stress here at work these last few days that my pouch is not feeling all to well but this to shall pass.
Take care
Debra P

Good morning Deb;
Well what a surprise I had at the doctors yesterday. My surgeon from the WLS was on a conference call with my GYN and they had already scheduled a hysti for me April 18th. They tried for an earlier date but alot of the hospital staff, doctors, nurses, ect are on vacations in the next two weeks, so the 18th was the earliest. My wls surgeon is going to come and assist from Buffalo to Niagara Falls because my GYN says she may not be able to do a vaginal and my surgeon is concerned about my earlier surgery, so has agreed to assist. I feel so lucky to have two dedicated doc's.
B-6oz ff yogurt
s-5 natural almonds
l-chicken from a roastio from Mighty taco(not the wrap)
d-califlower, and believe it or not pb
50 oz water, 8 oz orange juice all my vitis'
I understand about work as well, but now I will have 6 to 8 weeks to look for a new job.
Have a great day and THANK YOU for listening. I just needed a good ear.
(deactivated member)
on 3/28/06 10:15 pm - MT
on 3/28/06 10:15 pm - MT
Wow that is great hun that they will be working together...
Well take these next couple of weeks and relax before another surgery... ~Hugs~ I wish you all the best hun and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers!
Yeah I will be taking vacation days here and there after June so I can go on interviews....
Take care
Debra P