Update and a vent session in one ! (LONG)
Hi everyone !
It sure is a beautiful day today isn't it ? I hope you are all enjoying it as much as possible .
It has brightened my spirit's some , Thank Goodness !
Here is an update on where I stand at this point with my journey .
It is pretty much a mixed bunch of new's which in turn has stressed me out , BIG TIME !
Well first of all my Hematologist office called yesterday and said that my blood test's were not back yet and rescheduled me yet again from Wednesday the 29th to Monday the 3rd of April !!!!!
Here my surgery is on April 5th and awaiting the outcome of all these tests from the Hematologist office !
So, I am sure you can imagine just how upset I was ! Well then so I am also awaiting approval from my ins. co. and that is also awaiting on my Hematologist's clearance for surgery . All I need is a note from him stating he has cleared me for the surgery and besides , the fact is he tell's me that he thinks i will do fine and that he can get me through the surgery without a problem anyway's ! He wont write that note though !
So, now I go to my appt. with my surgeon this is at 3:15 in the afternoon I actually got there at 3:00pm. Well the nurse took me in for weigh in , Good new's I lost another pound making it 43 lbs total since starting Medifast. She say's that Dr. Lirio will more than likely postpone the surgery b/c of the Hematologist issue and get this she did not know that my Hema. doc just rescheduled me for April 3 rd . that very morning !
So I go back to the waiting area and wait for Dr. Lirio to call me in , the waiting area is packed of course so i knew i had a wait ahead of me .
He finally called me in at 5:00 pm ! He is now pretty much pressed for time so I felt kinda rushed but he did look over everything in my chart and discussed all the results of all my testing I had done .
He also looked over my legs to see if he felt I still needed the IVC filter put in before surgery.
He said I should not have to have one put in now so that is good .
He said everything with all my test's were good except the prolonged blood clotting one and that he was not going to postpone my surgery just yet ! He is going to talk to my Hematologist first about how he feels about the surgery . If the Hema. doc tells him as he has told me than I won't get postponed .
We shall see ! He also said that my pulmonologist did not give clearance either and that was a big surprise to me b/c he told me , after going for my sleep study , that I would not need a C-PAP machine and that I only had mild sleep apnea. He also said that he was giving me clearance for the surgery !
Now , Dr. Lirio shows me what he wrote ..... He wrote that he recommends that I have a C-Pap study done and that I have severe sleep apnea !
I am like ..What the Hell is going on here ?
So Dr. lirio say's he will talk to him also .
So that is where I stand now ! Not very good now is it ? this close to surgery and so much is still up in the air ! I was so upset hearing all of this that i was in tears !
Well at least for now the surgery is still on but I should know for sure by Friday of this week .
At least that is what the receptionist at my surgeons office said .
I finally got out of there @6:10 pm.
Then this morning I got a call from my surgeon's office and now my surgeon wants me to go in for a scan on my left leg . He is very, very cautious and thorough that is what I love about him !
So I go tomarrow for the scan . He wants to be absolutely sure that I will not need this IVC filter put in .
So you think that I will be still sain after all is said and done or what ?
Please everyone say some prayers for all of this to work out and hopefully my surgery will go off without a hitch next Wenesday !
Thank you all for letting me vent and for all your wonderful kindness !
Take Care

Tavia V
on 3/28/06 5:01 am - Long Island, NY
on 3/28/06 5:01 am - Long Island, NY
Hi Carol,
I am sorry to hear of your set back but I am sure everything will work out in the end! Keep focused on the future and you will be just fine!
Welcome to the world of run arounds from doctors! Lord do I know how frustrating it is. You hear one thing then another one tells you something competely different...very annoying.
Let us know if you get word from the Hematologist and how your leg scan goes! Good luck! Sending well wishes your way! xoxo Take care.
Tavia aka Ms potty butt
(I have to start the prep for the colonscopy in an hour!) 

Hi Carol,
I'm sorry about all the run around at the office. I'm patient of Dr. Clarke's and I know they like to be very thorough. Even though you have to go through of all this the outcome is absolutely worth it! You'll get there, really!!!! Congrats on the Medifast, what a great job you did with that!
Good luck and I'm thinking of you!
Lap RNY (2/16/06)
(deactivated member)
on 3/28/06 8:39 pm - MT
on 3/28/06 8:39 pm - MT
Hun I am so sorry you are going through all of this BS right before your surgery. ~hugs~ The worse is the NOT knowing what is going to happen or when for sure. I know for myself I needed to make sure because I had to plan my work and home life around all of the dates, hard to do it they keep changing things never less how it upsets you.
I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers hun! 
Let us know when you know something and I sure hope all goes well with the scan!
Debra P

Hi Carol
Congratulations on your 43 pounds you are off to a great start....

stay focused on your future.
I'm sorry you are going through this {{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}} but on the brite side of things....you still have 7 more days and alot can happen in 7 days....so I'm staying hopeful for you......you will be in my thoughts and prayers for a great out come......and yes you will be sain.....you will also be a stronger person......in the end.....hang in there and know that I am thinking of you....