Need a fill!!!!
I went to the Doctor on the 21 st and after I spoke to the Doc. I did not get the fill. Now it has been two weeks later and I called and told them I think I need the fill. I go on the 4th. Has this happened to any one else??? I feel sick for 5 to 10 min after I eat most protein and Bread but when The time passes I can eat the rest of my dinner. How long does this feeling last after I eat these foods??? I mean will that feeling go away or is this for good???
Ps Good news I am down 28lbs

Hi Beth,
I am curious as to why she didn't give you the fill? I guess I just wanted to know for my own reasons. Did you not need it at the time? This can happen. Some people have never needed a fill, which I find mind boggling-lol. I got my second fill, on the 21st and felt real tight at first, but feel it has loosened. I am still losing weight though, so I'm not sure what she will do my next appointment.
There are two reasons why you might feel sick. You may need to slow down and/or make sure you are chewing well. Or, are you having any signals that enough may be enough and you are done eating and not aware of them? Hiccups, runny nose, a sigh, a pain in the shoulder? Those are signs that you are full. I must admit I've been ignoring them, I get the hiccups,...but am now aware of that.
Congrats on the 28 pounds that's awesome!!!!!
(deactivated member)
on 3/28/06 11:50 pm - MT
on 3/28/06 11:50 pm - MT
Congrats on the weight loss.
that is great.....I had RNY so I can not help you with this but I sure hope you get this worked out hun and good luck when you go to see the Dr..... ~Hugs~
Debra P