Hey all...
I'm Terri, 38 and engaged to an amazing man. We are talking about finally making it all "official" sometime this fall ! He is the dad to two great daughters and also two grand daughters. We have a very spoiled Sheltie who grumbles alot. I had my surgery 2/20/06 by Dr. Pearlstein in the Columbia Memorial Hospital (in Hudson, NY.) I am so happy with the improvements that have already come my way and ready for more changes ! As of my last weigh-in (last Monday) I had lost 27lbs, and more than 3 inches off my waist. I have really enjoyed this website, talking to others who are at all different stages of their journey, and learning soooo much !
Wishing everyone a great weekend... Laundry and raking are calling my name ! Thanks everyone for contributing!
This is a great idea.
I'm Stacy and am 47 yrs old. I had Lap RYN on October 24, 2005. My surgery was done by Dr. Garber at Mercy Medical Center (outstanding surgeon and excellent hospital).
I live in Bayside and have worked in the fragrance industry (in R&D) for the past 20 years. I'm single (no children) but am still looking.
I have lost 65 pounds so far and am extremely extremely happy. This has been a life changing journey and am still at the early stages of it. I cannot wait to see what the future brings.
Best to all,
I guess I'm the old lady of the group--I'm aalmost 61 years old( in July)
I am married (second time) and I have one grown son (he is my birthday present from God--born two days before my 31st birthday).
I am a retired Social Worker (retired on disability after 34 years). And
I have lived in Queens since I was 16, but I am originally a Brooklyn Girl.
I am blessed by a loving God!. I have lots of things that I love to do--I paint (oils), I love to fish , I love to shop (for everything) ,and I collect Faberge eggs . I like going to the pool almost every day and I enjoy my two cats and my fish(I have Discus).
I have a nice comfortable life and I truly enjoy these boards. Everyone is so supportive.
Be Blessed Everyone!
Marian S.C.

Hi I don't post much either I mostly lurk.
I just turned 50 in December and I am married for 19 years to my one and only hubby. No children, except for 2 furbabies, who are often referred to as the Monster Puppies Baliey 6, and Hobbs 3. They are very nutty,lol.
I live on the south shore of Long Island, I work full time as a medical biller.I also go to school part time for Medical Record management.
I had my Gastric Bypass on 1/17/05, with Dr Garber, and have lost
117 lbs and presently at my goal of 140....I am one very happy camper.
I too also have a new hobby, I shop for clothes!!!! I am a size 6 and have to pinch myself every time I go to try on clothes,lol.
I cannot begin to tell you how I happy I am that I had made the decision to take control of my life
Peace n light Chris
Hi LisaMarie and everyone!
I'm Laurie, I'm 43, had a lap gastric bypass with Dr. Gellman in August 04. I'm down 170 lbs. I have two daughters 19 and 17. Married for 22 years. I love shopping now and borrowing clothes from my girls! We go to the gym together several times a week. I work for a local doctor about 5 minutes from my house.
Its nice to "meet" all of you.
Take care ~ Laurie
I'm Eileen , 37 married with a 17 year old son. I am pre-surgery waiting approval from insurance. Live in the small town of Seneca Falls, NY, halfway between Syracuse and Rochester. I'm a HR Director for a non-for-profit Agency. Have gotten great information from this site. Looking forward to being on the losing side after a life long battle with weight. BMI is 4.1, praying everyday surgery will be approved.
My name is Marisol, I am 38 years old. Live in Manhattan. I have 2 children a boy 13 and a girl 12. I have been married to the most wonderful man for 21 years. My WLS was 1/27/06 with Dr. Shah at Lenox Hill Hospital I received the best care from him and his staff. I have lost 41 pound in 2 months and feel great. JUST TO LOOK AT MYSELF AND SEE ALL THE CHANGES I HAVE MADE IT'S THE WORLDS GREATS FEELING. I was in a PLATEAU 3 weeks after my WLS for 20 days that was very depressing for me. I keep telling my family the first women that has WLS and will make the 6:00PM News. A WOMEN has WLS and can't loose the weight. Thanks to so my anwers from the Messagebroad I felt better. This site is the best thing that could happen to all of us. I am a stay at home mom and wifey. Life is very odd this Saturday my husband had to coach my daughter's softball team in the westside. Just sitting around talking with other parents I MEET LisaMarie who had the WLS. She is great just to know that they are so many of us that have had the WLS and they could be right next to us and we don't know it. We all have become a FAMILY.
Thanks to all, Marisol
hi my name is stephanie,i live in brooklyn, ny, im 26, 5'3 and weigh 264lbs, my bmi is 46.4. my surgery date for lap rny was scheduled for 3-20-06 at long island college hospital in brooklyn with dr.jonathan wong however my surgery got denied from my insurance. they said it was not medically necessary, i have no co morbidities and i need to do a 6 month supervised diet plan. im married almost 6 years, no children due to infetility on my part due tho this weight. want to drop to 140lbs......i just had a sleep study done last wednesday and last thursday i had surgery on my left foot for a heel spur and im goning back for surgery this wednesday for the other foots heel spur, i already had breast reduction in 10-05 and a revision 11-05..
always looking for a new post or suggestion, thanks