Home again LOL!
Ok so i get to the hospital at 7:30am on the dot. I go down for my KUB{xray} i am in the room by 9:00am ready to rock and roll. I meet the anasthesiogist, his assistant. THey give me the nasty ant acid that i need before surgery. Ok now where is the surgeon?? Waiting Waiting Waiting.........they call his office. "oh he is in a conference he isnt due to do the procedure until 3pm today" says his nurse. NOOOOO says the OR he is scheduled for the first case at 9am.....They continue to beep and track him down. He comes to the front desk i hear the nurse. Ok he is here..Waiting Waiting Waiting where the hell did he go?? The nurse calls his office again and guess what HE IS THERE! SHe said why did you leave? He said they told him he had to wait till this afternoon. THe nurse tells me this and i go nuts. I called the office back and told them off. I said this is not right and i want him back here now and they will have to figure out something iam not waiting till 3...i have 4 kids at home i made arrangemets for yada yada yada. Well he made it back to the OR in about half an hour. He tried to talk me down being i was going crazy. I dont remember what i said exactly but i let him have it. The nurses in the OR were so proud of me. To make it short they fit me in at 12 30 and i was done by 1 30. Apparently there was some "miscommunication between the lithotripsy center and the docs office. THey changed the time days ago and nobody notified the OR or Myself. It was another big mess. I know i should not have yelled at the doc the way i did esp because i was just about to go into surgery with him but i lost my mind. Im telling you NOTHING EVER COMES EASY FOR ME and it is really starting to get to me. So i am home now, no real pain just still uncomfortable from the stent that should come out next week and i am still bleeding slightly. On the POSITIVE side i did loose another 4 pounds this week. I am down 64 pounds total right now. ANyway i will catch you all later. Thanks for listening yet again! LisaMarie

Dear LisaMarie,
All I have to say is "YOU GO GIRL!" That's the way to self advocate! What a disrespectful gesture on the surgeon's part. You had every right to ream him out. Good for you.
I'm glad you're back home, awful day behind you. Congrats on the weight loss and keep us posted on your recovery.
Healing hugs,