My 1st fill !!!
Hi Beth,
Maybe I will run into you there! I wouldn't be hard to recognize, I'm the one with the flaming red hair and possibly the wild kids. I will be there 2:45 for my 2nd fill. I felt a difference after the first one, for sure. We went to the JV Mall in Yorktown after my appointment, and I got some soup. Woohoo I felt full. But I am still able to snack. I snack less, but Dr Choi doesn't want the snacking-lol. So yes that is why I will be there Tuesday. I barely felt a thing when she filled me. WTG on the 23 pounds

Beth, sometimes it can take up to 2 wks for the fill to kick in and feel any restriction. It depends on what size band and how liberal your surgeon is with the fills. Mine is rather conservative on the fills. I have heard most people need 3-5 fills. However, I have fill #6 tomorrow. Let us know how you do with your first fill. Good luck.