Thank you very much ! I read your profile you are doing great! I love how -under interests- you mention your Grandchildren , then put 4 sons. I guess the grandchildren are the better ones ! LOL. I have 2 kids (7&8) My mom always says if I knew granchildren were this fun I would have had them first!
I am glad to hear you had a good experience with Linda and DrP . I just met them last week .I know he is really serious about the smoking and the coffee. I think I will do great this time , since I have to answer to him and not just myself! Thanks again !...........Kitty
Hi Kitty,
You are doing great with the excercise and the coffe and your not smoking ! Way to go ! I smoked a pack and a half a day for 23 yrs. and I quit with the help of the nicotine patch 2 yrs and 3 months ago ! I can not tell you how glad I am for quitting !
I am so proud of you ! Every day is not always a good day when your trying to quit but be strong and you will succeed ! Just always keep in mind the benifets you will reap from quitting !
You will feel better soon , I promise !
5 and 1/2 miles is excellent ! You are off to one heck of a start with your journey ! Keep up the good work !
You are allowed to have your witchy days ...Girl ! Especially with all the things that you are trying to do at once !
Heck , just giving up that coffee when you drank so much before would send me into a tizzy !
You are doing awesome ! Don't give up !

Carol ,
Thank you so much . I loved that we are so close with the smoking (I smoked 1-1/2 packs Times 21 years )and you did it!! That gives me great hope! The last time I tried to quit, some one told me quitting smoking is harder than quitting heroin! I wouldnt know about the heroin but this is not too much fun as you know ! Thanks again ..............Kitty
HeyKitty, congratulations on the no smoking. I quit on 3/24/94 when I was smoking nearly 3 packs a day. It's too expensive a habit to not quit..expensive meaning what the costly health detriments can be. You will succeed and keep up the walking as well. My personal item for cig replacement were baby carrots, they seemed to help calm my cravings.
I hope that you will keep us posted on your overall progress.
Hey Kitty. I here ya sister! lol I had to quit smoking after 20 years to have this surgery. I smoked around 1 - 1 1/2 packs a day. I will be honest with you. It was one of the hardest things Ive ever had to do! The first week is extremely hard. When I quit, I picked a day ahead of time and when that day came, that was it..cold turkey. Every time I wanted a cigerette I would say to myself "why would I want one..I dont smoke anymore". I chewed gum nonstop or a cert, tic tac. etc etc. One of the main things I think that helped me was I changed my routine. Like for example in the morning...ususally the first thing I did was sit down at the computer with my coffee and cigerettes. So I started taking my shower first, getting dressed, then checking my email. At work it was easier because we could only have a couple a day and we had to go outside for them. I can tell you that I noticed a BIG difference in the money savings. I put $4 into a jar everyday (instead of buying a pack of cigerettes) and in a month I bought myself a new camera cell phone. Continued to save it everyday and bought a new entertainment center that I had been wanting forever. Now im on my 6 month of no smoking and I hardly ever think about it. There have been times when I think one would be nice but i just put it out of my mind and say "no way is it worth it". I continue to save my money....planning on taking a vacation when im skinny!!! Good luck to can do it..afterall dont smoke anymore!

Karen ,
Thank you , you are very inspiring!....You are right I AM NOT A SMOKER ANYMORE!!!! Tomorrow will be 4 days! its just the beginnig i tell my self it will get easier! (but today sucks!) . As I told Terri, I think I am doing well its just hard finding places to bury the bodies! Thanks again! If Im typing I am not smoking!...........Kitty
Hi Kitty,
I sort of quit, meaning I was not much of a smoker. I was more of a social and/or seasonal smoker. Everyone would always ask me what the point of me smoking was. I think the cost of cigarettes played a hand in that too, I think had they not gone up in price, I would probably be a heavier smoker.
I am fine with not smoking most of the time. Once in awhile I do miss it.
But you are doing well, keep up the good work!