My Birthday Party on March 18th, 2006
Hello Everyone,
I know it's been a long time since I have posted. I was squirming through all the post and I see nothing but new faces on here. I do not even see my old friends on here that I use to chat with on the board anymore. Well my birthday is on March 16th and I will be turning 24. I will be having a party on March 18th at my place in Plainsboro, NJ. For those of you who are interested in attending my party it will begin at 5pm. My address is 5501 Ravens Crest Drive, Plainsboro, NJ 08536. For my NYC Crew and you know who you are I don't even need to mention names if you need directions via train or car give me a ring at 732-586-4543 and I will provide all details. I am hoping to see you all there if possible if not then its cool also. Take care and talk to you all soon.
Hi Jonathan,
I'm sorry that you don't see your former message board family. Maybe they are reading and not posting??? one can only hope.
Anyway, I just wanted to say that I wish you a Happy Birthday with many, many more to come. You're just a "kid"...with many more friends to make over the years.
We who are presently on the message board are just as fun and thought provoking ( and funny too!). Keep an eye out for the chats that are being held on 2-3 days each week. These are fun as well!
Hey you! Long time no see is right...I havent been on much since back then either! Life and all, ya know! LOL I pop in once in a blue and look for the people I remember too...theyre still out there! LOL
I think the last time you and I spoke you were moving. Your pic looks great! We have come a long way, huh?
Happy Happy Birthday to you-
wish I could be there to celebrate with you!
Lots to be happy about!!!