I am Home Again.
Hi everyone. Thanks once again for good thoughts and well wishes. I wasnt feeling so hot yesturday and i had alot of blood in my urine. I paged my urolgist and explained what i was feeling and the blood. He said he needed to make some calls and he would call me back. He called me back and said that he wanted me to go to St Vincents ER. THe attending was waiting for me to give me a blood transfusion. He said that bleeding was normal after this procedure but given my history with platlets he wanted to be safe. So ok off i go with my Dad. I get there and the IV goes in and the attending comes in. She is like HI. I spoke to your dr and we will set you up and admit you and it will take a little bit. I was like WAIT...nobody said anything about admitting me. They were like yea we cant do the transfusion here you have to be admitted for it. I was so mad . Then in comes a resident from urology. We are putting a foley catheter in to see what the blood looks like and check for clotting. I was like OH NO YOU ARE NOT. NOBODY is going all up in my business the way it feels. So he said ok let me call your dr and see what he says. In walks a nurse wtih the foley catheter set up. I was like i told you NO WAY. I told her that the resident was calling my dr right now. I said anyone wants to check for clots i will pee on demand in a cup. She comes back and says the resident said he never said to wait till he calls the dr. I was like oh yes he did. So she leaves and comes back and says ok we are going to flush you out wide open. When you have to pee throw away the first and save the second one. I said ok. Went to pee and didnt save it. In comes Mr resident again "did you go to the br?" I said yes but i didnt save it because the nurse said to save the next one not this one. He says rudely "she didnt say that" ANd i was like why the hell would i lie to you. SO all along they are preparing to tranfuse me and my labs come back. Everything looks great. Even platlets were 110,000 which for me is great. SO back and forth on the phone with my urologist, hematologist and mr resident and mrs attending. 4 hours later they decide i am not getting a transfusion, no catheter {duh} but i would have to be admitted to give fluids and monitor bleeding. So i ended up staying and comming home with the same amount of blood, same symptoms plus a damn backache from the hospital bed. What a freaking waste of time. Needless to say i feel like crap. My husband is not going to work again tonight so he will help with the kids becasue i was told NO Activity......yea with 4 kids ok. SO i will try hard to rest. i am comfy here with laptop in hand. Thank you again for all your support and concern.

Hey Lisa Marie,
WHEW! That sounds as tiring and frustrating as the horse with the proverbial carrotstick waving in front of it. In any case, Tav and I are glad you're back at home (better than staying in the ER), but sorry to hear you had difficulties. As I'm sure you know, we know how it is to be in the ER, seemingly endlessly, and getting answers that aren't as significant as you'd think you'd get ("oh, you're just dehydrated, here, let us stick you and put some of this delicious IV in you... it's potassium-flavored, too!!!")... woo hoo!!!
Anyway, it's just another challenge that you survived and lived to tell about... so, kudos to you. Hopefully, the challenges are as minimal as they can be moving forward.
Out of curiosity, and I only ask because this happens to Tav ALL THE TIME... did they ask why you had gastric bypass surgery as if you had it that morning because you're too small? ER staff ask Tav - "WHY in the hell did you get gastric bypass surgery, you're so skinny!!!" Okay, maybe they don't say "hell," but by the tone of their incredulous voice, they may as well have. But, seriously, how inane of a question is that? Oh well, ignorance is bliss, I guess.
Lisa Marie, this probably goes without saying, but don't let them keep you down. And one way to do that is to label them. Tav calls ER staff, doopadeedoops and deepadeedeeps with M.D. degrees. Trust me, it makes the experience a lot easier (okay, to a little degree, anyway), thinking of a doctor as an Oompa Loompa.
Thanks guys, if anyone was to understand my frustration its your guys. It was a rough night. I really sucks. I hate the ER so much. And yes i did get the questions about why did i get the gastric bypass. ALL i had to do it tell them what i did weigh and stand up, they saw how short i was and then i think they understood. It just sucks having to depend on so many people to help you when you are sick. I hate having to ask for help but with 4 kids i have to. Makes me feel like such a burden on people and maybe its the Leo in me but i like to be independant. Thanks for your support, the both of you are amazing people and you belong together. How is Tavia feeling? LisaMarie

What a horrendous experience LisaMarie! I am sorry to hear you had to go through all of that! The one thing that stands out to me loud and clear about this story is what an AWESOME job you did advocating for yourself! You go girl!
It's good that your husband is not going to work. You need some time to heal and that excludes any activities with chitlins. You rest, drink your fluids, keep listening to your inner voice which tells you how to help yourself through this. You will be just fine. I know it.
I like Dennis' idea about calling docs Oompa Loompas. I'll have to try that!