It has gotten worse!
Tavia V
on 3/10/06 5:01 am - Long Island, NY
on 3/10/06 5:01 am - Long Island, NY
I just ran out of radiology department crying. I can never get a break. This just stinks so so much.
The upper gi showed the stasis in my roux limb is worse. It wasn't moving at all for minutes and minutes then just starting refluxing up and down. I was getting so sick to my stomach.
Do you know how horrible it feels to be stuck in a x-ray room w/all of these doctors staring at my intestines on the screen, watching the food not move and me getting the biggest stomach ache? a stupid guinea pig.
They were all talking about me like I wasnt even there let alone human. My surgeon was getting majorly irritated at them doing that. He is the only one who cares, which is all that matters.
No medicine will help this get any better. The only thing they seem to think might do "something" is just to take out the whole Y-connection, reconstruct it, bring it up the roux limb (to make it as short as possible) w/out bringing it up too much b/c that will cause severe acid reflux from the Y connection. What a nightmare.
I am going to go for a second and third opinion on this. I emailed two surgeons already and they both emailed me back saying they would be happy to give their opinion and meet me. This is good news.
I do not want to be putting things here and there w/out knowing that is the only and last resort. I do not want to do anything now anyway. I am not dying so this doesnt need to be done next week. It isnt that much of an emergency in my opinion. I can deal with it until I can figure out what to do.
Blah blah and another blah! I look at it this way, it really could be ALOT worse. At least I can get some things down.
(deactivated member)
on 3/10/06 5:16 am - MT
on 3/10/06 5:16 am - MT
Hun I am so sorry this is STILL going on, I just don't know what to say to help you feel any better but to let you know I am sorry and I sure hope in what every you choose that it works and you are healthy. ~Hugs~
if you need/like to chat sometimes just send me an email
Debra P

Tavia V
on 3/10/06 5:36 am - Long Island, NY
on 3/10/06 5:36 am - Long Island, NY
Thanks so much for your support, really. There isnt much to say, trust me I know! I am will just continue eating my soups and shakes until I figure out what to do and see what happens. I am interested though in hearing what these other surgeons have to say about my situation.
I am beyond tired of doctors. I have a generic names for all of them, "Dr. Poopyface" or "Dr. Stupidhead" or my husbands own, "Dr. Numbnuts"...expect for the surgeon who is "Dr. Dontgiveup" b/c he says that to me at least twice when i see/speak to him.
I can't image being a doctor. They seem to be sick of dealing with each other after awhile!

OMG Tavia ! I am so sorry ! I am speechless on what to say !
I feel really bad for you !
There is nothing anyone can really say to you to release you from all this pain you have to continually endure ! I know that you are a strong person , but Geez, a person you are and a person can only take so much !
I would have never made it through all that you have been through and are still going through without a straight jacket and a padded cell !
Sweetie I can't express how deeply sorry I am to here about this .
I wish you well and want you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayer's always !
If there is anything I can do for you ,please just let me know !

Tavia V
on 3/10/06 1:06 pm - Long Island, NY
on 3/10/06 1:06 pm - Long Island, NY
Thank you so much for your support, really. It has been one heck of a ride for me to say the least. I am just awaiting the light at the end of the tunnel and I will go to any means to get there!
Don't worry, there isnt much to say. It is alright.
Take care.

Tavia V
on 3/10/06 1:07 pm - Long Island, NY
on 3/10/06 1:07 pm - Long Island, NY
I am sorry I made you cry! Please dont cry on my behalf!!
I swear I am trying to be as positive as I can be but I'm becoming so overwhelming. Thanks for your prayers!
Gi G.
on 3/10/06 9:01 am
on 3/10/06 9:01 am
I wish there was something I could say or do to make it all better for you. I find it so amazing that you have offered me and my small complaints so much support and have faced such obstacles in your own journey.
I have a friend here in Brooklyn who loves her surgical group [out of Mamonidies Hospital] and I will get you the name of her surgeon, her experience has been very good and her surgeon seems very experienced.
The thing is, you're NOT giving up. And I commend you for that. xosm {HUGS}
Tavia V
on 3/10/06 1:11 pm - Long Island, NY
on 3/10/06 1:11 pm - Long Island, NY
Hey you,
My problems are my problems. I do not think I have to talk about my bs all the time or compare myself to anyone else at all. That isnt fair.
I know how I am going to for second opinion already, but thanks for looking into it for me, I appreciate that! Oh no, I'm not giving up, I just getting tired of fighting. Blah.
Feel good.