It has been way tooooo long since I posted here......but life sometimes gets crazy and needs to be dealt with head on!! Thanks to having WLS, dealing with life in general is so much easier. I am so happy that there are so many new faces and lots of support and info being exchanged here at the NY board.
We are still such a great group of understanding people
Please keep doing your reach before your surgery and attend as many support groups as you can... Read profiles... Check out the before and after pictures...Ask your dr questions. Your dr will operate on your stomach not your head, so you need to fully understand what the first few years are going to be like. I still struggle at times and need to remember Protein First...the more protein I can get in me, the more I feel satisfied and full
I really helps with the cravings.
Please keep giving each other the support needed in your journeys...the first journey is BEFORE the surgery and the second is AFTER.
We ALL share something very special, that sometimes even our family and friends do not understand. We can learn from one another, but always follow your drs advice.
I would love for EVEYONE to stop by today and let me know what happing in your life....especially the "old timers" Give the newbies some advice that you have treasured during your journey!
My sweet niece, Gina is going to have WLS and needs your kind words and support. If you could take a moment and sign her surgery page, I would really appreciated it! Thanks
Here is a poem that I would like to share with you all
Walking past the mirrored glass,
I take a timid peak,
I see a woman staring back,
I'm too choked up to speak.
The puffiness, at last, is gone,
The skin pink and glowing,
The many pounds that melted off,
Finally, now is showing.
Hard to believe until recently,
This same woman was dying,
Stuffing the food to ease the pain,
Heartbroken and crying.
Life evolved around each snack,
She lived for every meal,
Anything to numb the hurt,
She didn't want to feel.
When did she get so pretty?
When did God remove the grief?
How did this miracle happen?
Who provided this relief?
What a gift! A second chance!
I thank God everyday,
For his grace in showing me,
There is a better way.
I walk, I dance, I make love too,
My heart is filled with gladness,
I'm out of bondage, I'm out of pain,
There is no room for sadness.
This woman in the mirror,
Smiles softly back at me,
She has good cause to be so pleased,
She's finally been set free!


Special Thanks to All the Angels on the NY Board

(deactivated member)
on 3/1/06 10:21 pm - MT
on 3/1/06 10:21 pm - MT
WOW it is so good to see you ~hugs~ I know many have missed your support here, myself for one.
Good to see you are back!
I am almost 9 months out and down 108 lbs, going from a size 28/30 top to a med size tops, pants from a 28 to 14/L in size, sometimes a M
Working my tool the best I can.
Well again it is so nice to see you again hun, glad you are back. 
Debra P

...minus 108
That's the way.......just keep workin that tool!!
Now, do not get discouraged as the pounds slow down. You will get to your goal. It is work but you will succeed
And you have the love and support of the NY board, whenever you need it.
{{{{{{{ Special Hugs }}}}}}}

WOW Alice it is so nice to see you....it really has been to long for you to be away .....I do hope you and the family are all doing well......
I always love that poem from the first time I saw you post it.....
well I have lost 138 lbs and feeling great with the exception of acid causing pain......I am a much more healthier person and I'm thank full for all the wonderful people I have met here on OH.....and I'm your biggest fan Alice.....
I am scheduled for a lower body lift next week on Wed the 8th.
Oh Alice it is so nice to see you please don't be a stranger any longer....
have a great day hun

I can still remember when you were so shy! Then you posted and everyone just loved you! I have peek in on you and have kept up with your wonderful progress...truly amazing
WOW--138 lbs
This WLS is such a blessing.
You have had some problems,
but always landed on your feet, taking one day at a time! You just kept workin that tool
That's the way to do it!!
It's such a wonderful feeling being a healthier and much happier person, I am so proud of you. I kept telling you...Life Is Grand After WLS...not free of problems
but so much easier to deal with.
My prayers and thoughts will be with you on the 8th for a safe surgery with a speedy recovery. If you need anything, just let me know.
You are going to be one sexy
lady. Good for you! Wishing you all good things to come your way today and always!
Lots of Hugs and Kisses being sent to You!!!

Tavia V
on 3/2/06 2:47 am - Long Island, NY
on 3/2/06 2:47 am - Long Island, NY
Hi Alice,
I wish you and your niece nothing but the best! She is in the best of hands, which I am sure you know. Dr. Gellman is beyond the best.
I am up to pretty much the same stuff, but it is getting easier one day at a time. I look at it this way, it could be ALOT worse and I can have a surgeon who can care less.
Anyway, I am so happy to hear you have a new start on life, that is just so fabulous! I am anxiously waiting for mine. You give me hope and inspiration. We do have something in common, we both have brought the surgeon to happy tears! God bless him.
Please do not be such a stranger and take care!

Hi Tavia~~
BOY, you have been through so much!!
I see that it has just made you a stronger person and happy to hear it is getting easier for you!
Don't wait, start your new life TODAY!
You have done wonders with your tool so far. You have a loving husband and cute little boy! I am sure life is getting better and better for you.
Yes, Dr Gellman is the best! Kind and caring is his middle name...I guess you know who his brother is too!! He also did my daughter's WLS.
Thanks for posting and sending you some special {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}

Girly, I am so glad to see you! I been wondering what the heck happened to you! I'm glad you are healthy and happy. Busy is the order of the day for most of us now that we can move our FFA's around and get stuff done. [FFA = Formerly Fat A$$].
omg you gotta see my new pic [it's at http://360.yahoo.com/d_jankovsky]
............. done and recuperated with plastics and all that stuff too. Yep - daily struggle continues, especially today. The boss treated us all to Mexican food to celebrate office birthdays *and* a triple chocolate raspberry filled cake [can you say if I tried to eat the whole piece I would be sick for days?].
Don't disappear so long this next time............
~Always Amazed Angel~
Hello To You Dee~~
Baby you've come a looong way
I am so very Proud of You.......she says this with a Proud Mama Smile Across Her Face
I just saw your pictures--just beautiful and I can just see the feeling of contentment on your smiling face. You sexy thing
I can remember when you would not post a picture!! I am so glad that you had a before pic, it really is important.
I see you posting and giving so much back here and at the other boards.....you truly are an Angel
It's so important for everyone, no matter where they are on this journey to realize that this is a TOTAL COMMITMENT!!! And we do struggle and fall......we just know that we need to get back on track quickly!
I do miss everyone 
here at the NY Board........thank for posting!!
Hugs To You!!!

Thank you for all that sweet stuff ~ I remember when I first got started, until I found this board, I believed had nobody in my corner and yep - you were the first person to welcome me when I got here. The angel duty is something I take very seriously because at any given time, every single one of us needs someone else who can understand what we are trying to say, what we are feeling. I continue to attend local support group meetings as well because, even though for the most part I am doing just fine, my being there helps newbies and those who have not yet gotten where I am. I don't have money to give to charity, but I have little pieces of myself I can give, both here and to my little gorup of postie angelettes!
*hugs ya big* I had to search hard to find those two *before* photos.....
love ya lots, girlfriend - and if you ever hear from Evelyn, let her know it is also HER turn to bring her FFA to the Board!
~Always Amazed Angel~