What did you eat?
(deactivated member)
on 3/1/06 8:48 pm - MT
on 3/1/06 8:48 pm - MT
Hello All ~hugs~
YEAH we finaly heard on the house and we are all done with the bank, now just to final all the paperwork up and we will have a date.
Now the scale.....grrrrrr well it has not moved since I started the exercise but I know I am doing the right thing and it WILL move soon.
I also started the flax seed and I know that can do it as well through my BM have been pretty regular without taking the Glycolax (TMI)
Ok what I had yesterday:
B- 1 sl toast with pat of butter, 4oz carb control yogurt
1 Centrum chewable multi, 500 mg B-12 (sublingual), 1 chewable 250 mg of Twinlab Calcium Citrate
S- string cheese, 1 apple
1 500 mg Viactive chew (calcium carbonate)
L- 2 oz tuna w/light mayo, 6 wheat crackers and cucs
1 chewable 250 mg of Twinlab Calcium Citrate
S- 6 oz stallone pudding with 2 tsp flaz seed (ground)
1 500 mg Viactive chew (calcium carbonate)
D- 3oz grilled chicken with mixed greens, light dressing
1 Centrum chewable multi, 500 mg B-12 (sublingual), 1 chewable 250 mg of Twinlab Calcium Citrate
S- 2 pretzel rods
At bed time I had the last chewable 250 mg of Twinlab Calcium Citrate
*Supplements: 2000 mg calcium (both Citrate and Carbonate), 2 multi vitamins, 500 mg of B-12.
*Water Intake: 76 oz water, 10 oz cyrstal light
*Excercise: 30 min on treadmill at 2.5 MPH
ok, take care and have a great day all ~hugs~
Debra P

my day yesterday:
BreakfaST: cantaloupe 2 pieces of cheese
SNACK: Advant Edge protein shake
LUNCH: power crunch bar
SNACK: sugar free chocolate pudding
DINNER: salad and tiny bit of chicken parm ...couldnt eat it was from take out place......
SNACK: power crunch bar w/ fat free cool whip
Was great to gab in NY chat last night...i left shortly after u as i start my day early too,,,,,i think next week they will do 8 pm chat. ANYWAY keep up the working out all helps us! MAKE good habits today for our maintenance days!all the best
(deactivated member)
on 3/1/06 10:14 pm - MT
on 3/1/06 10:14 pm - MT
Yeah it was good but it moves way to fast and I could not keep up with all the questions.
8pm will work better for my old self.
Take care 
Debra P

good morning hun
yesterday was wed....
b- lemon zinger tea with 1 splender
s- string cheese
l- 1/2 piece of stuff chicken breast with crab meat
d- 2 eggs
well that's all I had hun not like I am able to eat much with the pain but I do know it will get better.....and I look forward to it
have a great day hun

(deactivated member)
on 3/1/06 11:40 pm - MT
on 3/1/06 11:40 pm - MT
Yeah I am sure it will get better once your PS is done and can go on the meds for it.
You take care hun and thanks for everything!! 
Debra P

B-scrambled egg with cheese and half a banana
S-coffee with protien powder
L-chicken ceasar salad/ split with hubby
S-atkins advantage chocolate drink
made me so sick!
Coffee once i was feeling better
D-Chicken cutlet parm, half a cutlet.
S-atkins granola bar peanut butter
I dont know what it is with the atkins stuff. I had one the night before and did fine...maybe my pouch was in a mood, who knows.
Treadmill and my Ab Lounge! Water, not so good
I have to do better with that. Have a great day and i am praying that this snow goes away...I hate it!
The chat was nice. Looking forward to the next one. LisaMarie

(deactivated member)
on 3/1/06 11:42 pm - MT
on 3/1/06 11:42 pm - MT
Hun it was nice the chat last night but the room moves so fast that it is hard to keep up and read it all....
I know Lisa S. said she had another chat room that was better, maybe we can all meet there? Just a thought.....
Debra P

IT was odd but to read the postx i had to move the slide bar on the left down
and it wasdriving me crazy to do that.
MAYBE LISA we could hold our chats in the other room
that moves slow, we can all take different color fonts
and its easy to follow...let me know and ill post the link for
all of us! OR you know the link to lisa u can thread it in the reminder for the chat....? maybe leave the link in the OH room too that night till
they find it...just a thought.
I just didnt get why mine was working backwards.....
Great news about the house - you must be really excited.
Sorry I missed the chat room discussion last night - I'll try to make the next one.
B - Carnation Instant Breakfast
L - Scrambled egg w/cottage cheese
S - Detour protein bar
D - Pizza
S - Cereal w/skim milk
Have a great day.