Okay, I have a weird question. Maybe not so weird. I just had surgery a week ago, on 2-22-06. Yesterday and today, I thought I felt hunger. Like, it really feels like hunger pangs. Not like, "I'll die if I don't eat something", but....... People in my support group say that the godsend of this whole journey is that for the first year, you don't feel hunger. And that saves some people! However, I saw a guy on here who said it was sooner that he felt hunger, but I don't know how much sooner. Is there something wrong? I DON'T WANNA FEEL HUNGER!!!! On a positive note, I went to the doctor's office for my first post-op visit and found I had lost 12 pounds!! How awesome! Lemme know about the hunger, though. Don't want that!
Jen Halliday
(deactivated member)
on 3/1/06 4:49 am - MT
on 3/1/06 4:49 am - MT
as for the hunger that returns about 5-6 month for most from what I have read here. Maybe someone that is out past a year can say if it gets worse after the years time, I sure hope not.
I also know that sometimes when you are thursty it can mock hunger so try taking in more water and see if that helps some.
I wish you all the best and congrats on your weight loss.
Debra P

im one of the few that have battled hunger since very early out.
BUt the brighter note is i have lost wonderfully, 133 lbs to date.
I get full easy so thats helping me loose.
I eat 3 meals and 2 or 3 snacks in a day. BUT have had hunger
since the beginning. JUST follow ur doctors rules and you will
be fine.
GOOD luck
and all will be fine!
Hi Jen,
We probably had the same Doc. Did you have Dr. Cole by chance? I live in Campbell.
Anyway, to answer your question, I had hunger right away also. Not drive me nuts hunger but it was there and still is. It just feels a bit different than before. One thing though, even though I have hunger my pouch knows when I have had enough and when I am full, that's it I can have no more. I had my surgery 11/29/05. I am now down about 53 lbs. Congrats on your loss!!!
Doesn't it feel great! I am amazed how good I feel and how well I am able to tolerate foods. Hardest thing still is getting my liquids in, but that is getting better with time. The best of luck to ya, sounds like you are doing great. Welcome to the losing side.
Shannon Arnold

What I can tell you about Hunger after WLS is it is highly variable. Meaning on a spectrum of hungry (PHYSICALLY NOT EMOTIONAL/HEAD HUNGER) from the minute you're out of surgery to not for a few years. Most people find no hunger for 6mo +/- until the pouch heals more. No hard and fast rule. It is not something you or surgeon did wrong. I can tell you this based on attending weekly support group meetings 4-5mo preop and for a year postop and from now running my own in person group monthly for a few years. The best answer is whatever you are going through is what you are going through, there is no right/wrong there is a commonality but again where one will be postop with this or other things (like will you dump/tolerate dairy/tolerate meats/certain foods etc) is highly variable. Here are some lnks tos ee if it is emotional or physical I wish u well!
Self test for emotional eating at:
Emotional Eaters
Emotional Eaters
The Eight Traits of Emotional Hunger vs physical look a great article!
This was in Parade Magazine, in an article entitled "You
Can Think Yourself Thin". I thought it was interesting.
What do you hunger for? Is it a chocolate bar you crave - or a hug?
Know the difference between nourishing the body and feeding an
emotional need.
PHYSICAL HUNGER builds gradually.
EMOTIONAL HUNGER develops suddenly.
PHYSICAL HUNGER strikes below the neck (growling stomach).
EMOTIONAL HUNGER strikes above the neck (taste for ice cream).
PHYSICAL HUNGER occurs several hours after a meal.
EMOTIONAL HUNGER occurs at random times.
PHYSICAL HUNGER goes away when full.
EMOTIONAL HUNGER persists despite eating.
PHYSICAL HUNGER eating leads to a feeling of satisfaction.
EMOTIONAL HUNGER eating leads to guilt or shame.
Take Care,
Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh
320/163 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery)
Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King
"Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!"
I had the same problem 4-6 weeks post-op, I spoke to my nutrionist about it and she told me that what I was experiencing was called "head hunger". It didn't last very long but what I did when I felt that way was to drink more water or the protein drinks from my surgeon's office which are fruit flavored and didn't weigh me down. Good luck and congrats on your journey.