happy hump day
Hello everyone
I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for all the support you have given me throught out my journey......and into the next journey which will be next week.....
I didn't have a chance to post my 1 year anniversary since the car accident and running around like a chicken with out a head....and starting a new postions here at work.....so I will let you know what it has been like for me....
I started out in this journey weighting 346lbs wearing a size 26.....not being able to walk much without getting winded.....and the stairs forgetaboutit......I had to go up one flight of stairs to go to the bedrooms so when I did go upstairs that's where I stayed cause I wasn't going to go up and down....my knees hurt my feet hurt my back hurt......
I couldn't find anything nice to wear and feel good in it....I was depressed and just unhappy with myself even thou I was still taking care of the family and all the wonderful unexpected things that arise when you have a house.....
ok enough of that you all get the picture.....today I weight 208lbs that is a loss of 138 lbs
I am now a size 14
I can walk lots and long and still don't get winded.....I can sit on the subway
and not take up two seats
I can sit with my legs crossed.....
I am not where I wanted to be but due to having two foot surgeries I was unable to do walking and excercising,....but if I never loss another lbs I will still be happy cause now I am in charge of my life and my life doesn't have me anymore.....I can find clothes to fit me and I feel good about myself.....
and I can do thing with my kids.....woohoo.....
I still have no car since the car accident....I recived a check from the insurance company that will not cover the repairs....
this past week-end I had bad pains in my stomach and was admitted into the hopital....I wasn't expecting to be admitted I left my kids with the neighbor so I really thought I was going back home.....nope didn't happen...they thought it was a blockage, then hernia and stones....it ended up being acid......let me tell you how bad that hurts I couldn't even stand up straight the pain was in my stomach and traveled to my back.....it was so bad.....so now I try not to eat anything with acid....cause I am having my lower body lift on Wed March 8th I am very excited about it and nervous...but more excited than anything else......I don't know what I need to take with me to the hospital or what to expect after surgery and /or how much I will be able to do....so those of you who have already had it don'e can you give me some feed back on it.....
So how is everyone else doing.....I see there are many new people here so come on out and say hello...I would love to hear from you...
don't forget to take you vitamins, water and exercise.....
Special thanks to Debra P (mzmoozy) for all of you support and encouragment.....you are a great asset here on oh and on the phone...I love talking to you and I wish you the best with the closing of the house...


(deactivated member)
on 2/28/06 11:45 pm - MT
on 2/28/06 11:45 pm - MT
Hun you have come so far in a years time, you should be so very proud of yourself!
I know I am!
You always have nice things to say and offer support even through YOUR rough times and we ALL thank you for that!
I still can not get over the change in your pics and I have not even seen the very new ones yet.
I wish only the best for you and I sure hope this car thing works out for the best ~hugs~ Also I hope your surgery goes smoothly and your recovery perfect, you so deserve it!!!!
Take care hun and I will talk to you soon 
Debra P

HI just wanted to say you have done awesome with your new tool.
AND i can soo relate to your post.....
I felt the same way pre op.
GOOD LUCK and keep us posted on your upcomeing
surgery. SORRY you had a trip to the hospitol, we
all hate those trips from any of our peers.
GLAD your well, sorry to learn of the car accident too
and a lousey pay off from the insurance...
keep your head up
and keep up the great work
Hey Cristine,
Wow...some year you've had!! Congratulations on your awesome weight loss, and your upcomming surgery...I wish you all the best with that.
I'm sorry to hear about your car accident and your recent trip to the hospital.....So, can you have acid without having an ulcer? or does the acid cause the ulcer? I had an ulcer before my surgery which was cleared up with Nexium, but lately I feel a bit of burning again....so I'm contemplating starting the Nexium again...
Anyway, so nice to hear from you. Talk to you soon.
Hi Janean
Long time no talk.....how are you doing? I miss ya.....
talk to your doctor about taking the nexium agin before you start it ....while I was in the hospital I was given pepcid in the IV I gues it helped but I still have pain every time I eat....the doc couldn't give me anything cause I'm having surgery next week but right before surgery the anastesilogist (sp) will give me somthing so the acid doesn't come up durning the surgery.....
thanks for your support hun 

A great big CONGRATS to you for all your successes this past year !
You look amazing ! You are amazing and we love you here !
You have had such a rough year and yet you still managed to keep a focus on your health ! Good for you !
I now how hard stress is on the body and what it can do to us even though we have good intentions to overcome certain stresses in our lives !
You have pulled through this year a happier and heathier person and that is what matters the most !
I can and do relate to how you felt pre-op as I am living it right now !
But it is getting better with each pound that I lose !
I am so sorry about your ins. co. not sending you enough to cover the cost of repairs on your car !
I really hope all works out for you !
I can also relate to the pain of the acid that put you in the hospital.
I had the same expereince ! It is very painful and yes mine also traveled to my back !
The only difference is your pouch is so much smaller then my stomach and I can only imagine the pain level b/c of that !
I read somewhere that WLS takes care of the acid , but apparently that is not so now is it ?
I hope you have that all tooken care of !
I wish you a really safe surgery and a super quick recovery !
You are in my thoughts and prayers as always !

Another one of my most favorite people here on the board you Carol
you are always so caring and comforting in your words. I always love to hear from you....
Yes the acid does happen to us and that is where we get our ulcers from....but it is amazing that nothing has every bothered my stomach before even after wls up until now I guess this is a warning to stick to the plan...but no I can't eat any starch at all....and salad bothers me too.....so I have been sticking to a very bland diet and I'm not enjoying it cause I love hot spicy foods......but I guess I will just have to get use to it and learn to eat all over again....
oh well these things happen.....but yes I am a much healthier person today than I was a year ago......
So your day is almost here...I can't wait for you to join us on the losing side and youknow we all saved a seat for you......so know we will fight it out and see who get to sit next to you..
you have a get day hun and keep up the good work with your weight loss you are doing wonderful.....
