I gained 2 pounds!
Tavia V
on 2/27/06 3:05 am - Long Island, NY
on 2/27/06 3:05 am - Long Island, NY
Hey everyone.
I went to see the surgeon again this morning and I have put on two pounds on his scale since two weeks ago! This is good news for me. Considering I was sick, its strange but good. Yay. Those bananas must be doing me some justice.
My labs are so-so but slightly better than the beginning of Jan, which is good in my case. My scar is healing nicely but it painfully tickles when he runs his finger down it, oh my go****ear up b/c the itches spread all over my abdomen when my scar is touched and its so itchy its painful! The itches are the worst but they will end soon.
Anyway, what I need is someone to really stay on top of my food and my intake. I cant afford to pay out of pocket for a nutritionist but that is what I need more than anything right now. I still have medical bills from last Feb. still to pay, I can't even afford the new medical bills I am getting, let alone new nutritionist bills. blah.
He said he is going to call over to the nutritionist they use and not to worry about it. I am the pity case, but it is what it is. He said he will do whatever he can do. I have no idea what I would do w/out him. Thank god for him and his help.
You know, my son is just too funny. He has a pretend friend now called "doo-doo". If he does something even the slightest bit "bad" he says he didnt do it, "doo-doo" did it. He hid the phone but proclaims innocence and insists that "doo-doo his friend" hid the phone. It's too funny.
Take care everyone!

Tavia V
on 2/27/06 8:52 am - Long Island, NY
on 2/27/06 8:52 am - Long Island, NY
Hi Pat,
I know it is strange isnt it? Just last year I was the biggest fatty now my size 0 pants are getting loose. I dont know what the heck happened. Heehee. Thanks so much, keep in touch.

Tavia V
on 2/27/06 8:53 am - Long Island, NY
on 2/27/06 8:53 am - Long Island, NY
Hey Lisa!
Thanks so much! I look forward to joining you guys in the chat. Take care.

Hi Tavia,
I, for one am happy that you are gaining a tiny bit of weight. I know that the food intake was not previously a problem--you had to worry about eating enough to stay alive--nothing stayed down.
But, now you are in the same boat with the rest of us!
You should go to your rules for the pouch , and check out phase three and phase four eating patterns. Now you need to pay attention to eating your protein first, veggies(cooked) and then carbohydrates. You are going to have to learn to eat minimal protions and to load your water between meals--Guess what??? you are going to be just like all of us--Normal WLS patients. Doesn't that sound wonderful ??NORMAL!!!
You will eat real food and feel no pain and you wcan start to enjoy being slender, and healthy! Your immune system will get stronger and you won't get fevers and colds and infections.
You are getting to be healthy and Now you will finally enjoy your life.
Welcome to the world again!!!
Be Blessed--we have all been praying to hear you say that you are having Normal complaints!!!
Marian S.C.

Tavia V
on 2/27/06 8:50 am - Long Island, NY
on 2/27/06 8:50 am - Long Island, NY
Hi Marian,
Thanks so much for your kind words, really.
My problem still is eating to stay alive. I need to up my intake. The surgeon said himself he has never had to send someone to the nutritionist b/c they are too thin and not eating enough. I seem to be a first for a lot of things.
I am not hungry at all and my intestines have been operated on five times. That is enough to make someone not want to eat. I really do not eat much at all. Just today I had:
B-three bites of banana
s-protein shake
l-four forks of soft tofu
s-latte from starbucks
d-I havent eaten anything eat but I am looking at some tuna fish w/mayo
This all isnt enough. Part of it is in my mind and part of it is in my tummy.
I still have stasis in my roux limb so a lot of foods seem to still be a problem for me, it is just not as bad as before. Maybe it will go away in time, maybe it wont. But thank you so so much, you are great. take care.

Hi Tavia,
I'm glad that you are doing better and have gained some much needed weight. You are going in the right direction now. I wish I had a more nutritional background to help you out. My nutrionist was Dorie Ferriera, she runs Long Island Bariactrics in Levittown. I don't see a nuitrionist anymore, but I do go to the support groups that she runs. Every 2nd Tuesday of the month. I think Dr. Gellman's office refers to Emily. Some of my friends have seen her and she seems to be very informative. I hope Dr. Gellman can pull some strings for you and you get to see her.
I'm glad you're feeling better and that the flu is over and done with also.
Enjoy your son, the grow up so fast!
Take care,
~ Laurie
Tavia V
on 2/27/06 10:25 pm - Long Island, NY
on 2/27/06 10:25 pm - Long Island, NY
Hi Laurie
I do not think they refer patients to Emily Marcus anymore. When they brought over the doctors to work out of LIJ that weight management center deals directly w/them. She deals now w/the doctors who work out of LIJ only. Gellmans practice now has this other nutritionist they work with whos name escapes me.
I do feel better thanks. Tired but better. Dr Gellman is so good w/me. He is the true definition of a heroic compassionate doctor. Anyway talk soon.